Ok i see, its a lot of variables when it comes to getting miles ,elogs have positives and negatives but i just deal with them because elogs is basically all i know.They had me on paper logs the first 3 days of the truck.I like being able to push a button and log in and record everthing i do.
It seems like theres a lot of freight in ga.
I was wondering about the effect on mpg going up and down those mountains so much.
Definately will see you out there if i havent allready and didnt know it
I think its designed for trucks but i think being that it is something that has to be updated it will send you off at times.I noticed it will take me down routes specificall for trucks thru small towns,but then sometimes it will try to send me thru culdesacs or it will route me to a spot and i look at the map and see another way and take it and wind up cutting 50 plus miles off of gps route.
I sometimes compare the map to the gps along with shippers directions but i guess i get lazy and just want to put the address in gps and roll.
I will have to do more map work definately......thanks!
Boyd Bound 05-02-11
Discussion in 'Boyd' started by M2k, Apr 18, 2011.
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This GPS is funny sometimes i change my routes to avoid lights and low speed limits and it works and sometimes it doesnt.I was coming out of Nebraska and gps routed me one way and i looked at the map and it was taking out of my direction and bringing me back,ive seen it do this before so i said im not goin that way so i rode awy from gps directions next thing i know i run into the road i thought would be quicker and .......... the highway is closed down......lol.......so now i have to go a even longer way to get around......i think it was 29 south....,...and whats crazy is while i was headed to missouri they had signs every where saying 29south was closed but i let it slip my mind from the time i delivered in missouri and picked up in nebraska.
Hey,any boyd drivers on these boards have any power inverters hooked up to their prostars > What is Boyds policy on inverters,can they be hooked up to the apu by way of wiring from under the bed?
Well ive been here 8 months now and for the most part i have no big complaints.I just really hate ELOGS but i can live with it as a newbie.Im home the majority of the weekends its been slow lately but the last two wks picked up for me,i have a cool driver manager so thats been a plus.There is no perfect company so when you get hired nowadays you have to see if the good outways the bad.
My truck broke down last friday for the first time in the 8 mths ,but was back up and running mon.I havent gotten any tickets ,i actually havent even been stopped or inspected by dot yet.I had a time i got stuck in the mud at a rest area and had to call a tow truck to get me out,and boyd charged me for the service,im still paying on that 25 a wk.
Ive only had one day where i had a layover with no load.Overall i would give them a B grade so far.Every driver has their own experiences,ive ran into happy and unhappy boyd drivers ,mostly happy.I would reccommend them to experienced and un experienced.Definetly a good starter company! -
Would boyd hire drivers that don't have any schooling but has a cdl ?
Still rolling thru the ups and downs,but after weighing out all my positives and negatives ive experienced while driving for boyd ,overall i would recommend them.Ive been in the Lease Purchase program about 8 months and it has been up and down for me but i expected it not to be simple.As long as i can earn a certain amount that i figured up before i joined the program im cool.The only problems i forsee as a lease purchase driver are ,if i have mechanical problems that require a very very large amount of money to repair.So far ive been lucky to not have any major problems,but the minor problems have costed.I have a 2009 prostar and it runs fair.
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