Brake lights work on right side, flash on left and then go off

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by gsrtruckinginc, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. gsrtruckinginc

    gsrtruckinginc Bobtail Member

    Jan 14, 2025
    2017 Peterbilt 567 (dump truck) when applying brakes, the right side brake light top and bottom come on and work perfectly. The left side when applying the brake “flash” for a split second and then go off. They will not come on again until you press the brake pedal again and they do the same thing. Left turn signal lights top and bottom work perfect, right turn signal lights work perfect. As well as the 4ways. They are LED. ANY help appreciated.

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  3. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
    Sounds like you have a wire grounding out somewhere
    gsrtruckinginc Thanks this.
  4. gsrtruckinginc

    gsrtruckinginc Bobtail Member

    Jan 14, 2025
    I checked the wires, but I guess I need to go back over them again. Driving me crazy. Lol
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