Brenner Tank/Whitefield Industries loads.

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by Sinister, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. Sinister

    Sinister Light Load Member

    May 1, 2009
    Wisconsin, US of A.
    Okay, so I've seen these loads pop up from time to time, and finally hauled one this week.

    I think they are a total rip off, and ATS is taking advantage of it's people.

    I remember distinctly the stop pay the first time I saw it was 75.00, now it's 50.00, but that is not even the real issue which ticked me off.

    You pull into Brenner tankin Fond du Lac, and drop and hook. You secure the load, and drive to Oshkosh to Whitefield Industries (a whopping 20 miles away, granted) and deliver your unfinshed tanks.

    You drop that trailer, and hook to a different one from Whitefield Industries, now with finished tanks, and head to Kansas City to deliver them.

    You are hauling two loads, dropping and hooking twice, and securing two loads, and unsecuring one load. You have (what I consider to be) 2 different products from two different shippers, and for some reason the first load does not qualify for "mini pay".

    Any lawyer types or OOIDA folks know how this is okay? Because I don't think it is.
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  3. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Are the 2 loads on the same ld. number?

    If they are it is how they worked it out with the shipper to get the contract.
    If 2 different load numbers then you can ask what's the deal.
  4. Sinister

    Sinister Light Load Member

    May 1, 2009
    Wisconsin, US of A.
    Unfortunately, yes. it falls under the same load number, and is simply paid as an extra pickup.

    That's my complaint. You are hauling 2 loads for the price of one, with an extra pick.

    I don't like it one bit.
  5. eckz

    eckz <strong>"Radio Rambo"</strong>

    Sep 15, 2007
    Detroit, Michigan
    Yeah I don't blame you.. It would bother me as well to be honest.. Even if it is only 20 miles away, and I know this is a small problem and most will choose to look the other way because of that, that's how companies start getting things over on their drivers.. People become complacent and let companies take advantage of them.

    Sadly all you can do is complain, doubt it'll change anything. Look at it this way, ATS isn't making out like bandits with it, either. It's on the same load number so it's not like they are charging for it twice, and only paying you once. You're just the driver, the middle man, negotiating contracts is above our pay scale. *Grin*
  6. Sinister

    Sinister Light Load Member

    May 1, 2009
    Wisconsin, US of A.
    I guess that's probably how they keep the contract. There are other carriers pulling this stuff, so I guess ATS bills the whole thing as 1 load. I don't really know, and you're right, all I can do is complain, but ARGH.

    I HATE working for free.
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