Brokers are thieves!!!

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Regional, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017

    Whats sad to me is you seem to think brokers have lowered the rates when its the willingness of dollar hauler trucks to accept the offers.

    If only quality CARRIERS remained, a sea of crummy brokers would not be able to move anything that wasnt profitable to the truck.

    In a market full of debt laden rookie carriers, the broker will still be able to move a load for a dollar a mile even after publishing that hes getting $3.

    Then what?
    PPNLE, whoopNride, Ruthless and 5 others Thank this.
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  3. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    Then he'll want the rates themselves directly regulated.
  4. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017

    And THATS the slippery slope i think were all concerned with on team leave it alone. You crack the door for govt and they kick it wide open.
  5. clausland

    clausland Road Train Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    North Woods
    Folks get taken advantage of because they put themselves in a position to be taken advantage of...
  6. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    We are coming up on the 200yr anniversary of a john adams quote that gets continually more potent as we approach national insolvency together.
    "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt."

    It is not the brokers gun that makes trucks run for free. It is the truckers debts. Theyve been conquered by them and will do whatever the debt commands.

    "Transparency" will not alter this fundamental truth.

    It is natural that not everyone will be able to grasp this concept. That why the founders structured this country to prevent majority rule. And why theres always been a push by americas enemies to extend voting rights to all. Same way Rome was conquered.
  7. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Something to note: most of the people pointing out the transparency issues are truckers. There's like... four or five brokers who post actively here, myself included. I've generally limited my replies on the topics related to transparency to market dynamics.

    I'd further make the case that I have been pretty consistently transparent with my numbers to the extent I can be within the constraints of the forum rules. I'm prohibited from giving identifying information on here. Some of my carriers know what I charge my customer, on top of that. Those are folks I consistently work with, and know won't back solicit me. The biggest issue with transparency as it were is back solicitation. I truly don't care if someone knows I'm making 10-20%. What I care about is giving someone information that makes it easier for them to snipe business from me.
  8. KnightMare84

    KnightMare84 Bobtail Member

    Jan 30, 2020
    If not for back solicitation I would be more than happy to share the margins I make. I don't know about other brokers but my customers aren't near ignorant enough to let me get away with the margins so many think are common.
    larry2903, tequesia2, PPNLE and 7 others Thank this.
  9. scott180

    scott180 Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Tooele, UT
    Now those last two post were great.
    A reasonable argument against transparency without a word of hate or blame. Thank you.
    Dino soar, magoo68 and FoolsErrand Thank this.
  10. Driver Eight

    Driver Eight Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Well I don’t understand all the animosity toward the little guy. Like this is a good system or something, only bigger stronger and consolidated can survive. From what I understand, didn’t used to be this way. So, trucking will keep consolidating until only The big and liquid fish survive and thrive. I don’t know what’s so good about that, but the idea of it seems to be celebrated around here at times. Not a good healthy thing for the individual American worker.
  11. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    All of us arguing against it are the little guy. The first one govt always ruins.
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