Brokers are thieves!!!

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Regional, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. StrokerTSi

    StrokerTSi Medium Load Member

    Aug 28, 2016
    It's the participation trophy crowd coming in I guess.
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  3. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017

    A. When i wasnt prepared enough for what i got myself into, i lost two houses. I was homeless with a wife and two babies before starting over in a camper 990 miles away from most of my tools. I worked all last year for $27k on a 1099. Even less the year before. 4 years we didnt have a washing machine until someone gave us one recently. Washed clothes in a standup camper tub. Still hang them on a clothesline. The roof is leaking on the sink as i type. Thats what i deserved and it didnt kill or demean us, it humbled us and brought us closer to family and friends. People cane out of the woodwork to offer help because we never asked for any. One winter i didnt hunt but had 4 quarters and 3 necks given to me. Deer stew, squash and pickles from the garden were staples. Beats mcdonalds.

    The only other alternative would be for me to beg government for YOUR check. Would that be fair? I was desperate, but i didnt steal or ask for other peoples money. I threw out my pride and took whatever was offered. Today we can live on $500 a month. So the crash and burn was actually a rebirth. Im in better shape now than ever before. No work? No worries. The hardship brought us UP.. Not down. Made us stronger not weaker. Im glad it happened. The system did its job.

    B. The money in the pot belongs to he who can get it. Just like the trophy belongs to he who WINS it. Do you read about consolation prizes on the sports page? Lost this match, game or race? Oh well, better luck next time kid. Ya lost.

    In 2018 the trucks won. In 2020 the brokers do. Did you shed any tears for the struggling broker who had to give out $5 a mile where he only had $4.35 a few years ago?

    Well, what have you given us Mr. Franklin.

    A republic, if you can keep it.

    The land of opportunity is about the opportunity not just to succeed, but also to fail.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  4. Snailexpress

    Snailexpress Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Really good example but I would make some comments.
    Russian Empire was reach country before commy seized power in 1917. In short period from October 1917 revolution to 1921 country economic went to the very bottom. The reason was that everything was regulated by government. Lenin wasn't so fool and quickly realized the free market is only way to survive. The NEP actually was free market, with free entrepreneurs, brokers and sole proprietors in all aspects of economy. Russia economy starts gain and in less then year it was unrecognizable.
    Then Stalin came in power due to Lenin death. Stalin replaced free market with free labor millions of people in GULAG.All Soviet industry after 1925 was built by prisoners. Poverty and hunger came back in every Russian home.
    So fools, you still want government to regulate your life?
  5. trees

    trees Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2010
    You should share your rates with us....
  6. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    NEP period was also used to infiltrate germany as a friendly partner in order to steal economic and industrial expertise, and try making a 2nd attempt at a socialist revolution there. Remember that the spartacist uprising failed to implement communist rule in germany, 1919. A time when the comintern was very much top priority. Same year lenin gave his debauch the currency speech. He let his capitalist peasant enemies know that the bolshevik party had siezed the printing press and were running off only 100 ruble notes as fast as possible to crush their money and make them starve. Today the disinformation system wants us to believe it was keynes who said that and that the bolsheviks fumbled their economy. Lies. Overprinting money is the precise attack we face right now and reds are BRILLIANT warriors.

    The chinese partnered with us in the clinton era. Not so friendly now that they got all our technology. Thats how reds operate. During ww1 the bolsheviks partnered with their enemy the mensheviks to defeat the czar and bring in the kerensky provisional govt in feb 1917. By october 1917 they overthrow their partners. By oct 1918 theyre using horrible terror on any resistance. My great grandfather among them.

    Chinese commies under mao partnered with the chinese nationalists under chang kai shek to repel the jap invasion of '31 i believe. Once the japs are out the reds turn on the nationalists and eventually defeat them.. Jimmy carter recognized beijing over taipei around 79.

    Anyhow. Way off track now. Never trust a red. Theyll buy you a presidency then dig you a grave.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  7. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    funny thread, it became....a historical corner.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  8. FAST123

    FAST123 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    The fact is the current market swing was not caused by the general supply and demands swings in our industry, this was caused by our government who has been screwing the American people for 50 plus years. We pay our taxes only for our government to fund policies that work against its citizens. We cant ask the same government that got us in this mess for the solutions. That is just INSANE.
  9. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
  10. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Well....Some are thieves but quite many are not thieves at all. Some carriers are quite crooks too.

    Saint Peter on the Judgment day will tell them what they were...and the good ones will go to Heaven and the bad ones will go to Hell...
    FoolsErrand and Snailexpress Thank this.
  11. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    I’ll play devils advocate here. Let’s say brokers must post the freight rate they received from the shipper.

    For example the rate for this load is posted at 1000.00, but there are 10 trucks that want that one load.
    They start bidding on it and one guy ends up taking it for 600.00.
    Please explain how having the broker post his actual rate helped anyone.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
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