That would be a good thing for you.Usually get you loaded quick its just all the tarping stations that take a while.
BTC Memphis, TN orientation and trainer experience blog.....
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ybfjax, Feb 27, 2008.
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Anything worth updating about BTC?
Looking into them, wanna know about the "long term" run with them.... -
Good thread.
Been doin alota research on BTC, shoulda started with them instead of going to Schneider then Werner.. just wasted 6mts! Now going where I shoulda started
Yeah...... been that way since I hired on 5 years ago. When you get your truck and you start running let me know how you like it. A year down the road when you start getting shorted on your loads and can't get a load until you have 3 hours to run on paperless log to a load that is 6 hours away.
I was the field recruiter for 1-1/2 years. You couldn't get me to put in a good word for Builder's Transportation anymore. It used to be one of the best companies in the country but when you start putting everything and everyone else before the drivers the company won't be around long.
A.J. (Safety Director) is a great guy but he can't carry that company alone. Some fine people work there...... but you have to watch out for the two-faced ones who will be friends to your face and talk behind your back.
Just a few words from the wise that had worked there for over 5 years. -
Don't know if you have started with them or not........ but I do hope you went elsewhere. BTC is going downhill fast - and you don't have to take my word for it. Ask the drivers that drive for them or gonna be leaving them. Not the company that they used to be.
If anyone has a questions about the recent posts please contact Builders Transportation.
Been there for a year now and I have never sat until my hours were out and then asked to make a pick up. NEVER. my pay is just fact its up since we started hauling for percentage.
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