BTC Memphis, TN orientation and trainer experience blog.....

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ybfjax, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. keebler13579

    keebler13579 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    you dont log that backing practice you do it at a truck stop while taking your 10 hr break or waiting to be loaded/unloaded that way you dont lose any miles
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  3. BDJ

    BDJ Light Load Member

    May 21, 2013
    Do they still accept recent grads?
  4. bsmith1680

    bsmith1680 Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2011
    Mooreville, Mississippi
    Currently they are not accepting recent garaduates but they will train drivers that have driven and don't have the flatbed experience but check back with the periodically there were rumors they would start taking students again
  5. vhughes

    vhughes Medium Load Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    how well do yal like the mack truck? is there alot of room for a refrigerator, microwave tv.....
  6. marklee297

    marklee297 Light Load Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Memphis, TN
    you will see one Monday...decide for yourself.
    vhughes Thanks this.
  7. jdr1989

    jdr1989 Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    don't go to btc in orientation they show you how lazy they are you do nothing but stand outside for 2 days straight and they make you sleep in these trucks that are covered with dirt and mold you do not stay in a hotel
  8. bsmith1680

    bsmith1680 Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2011
    Mooreville, Mississippi
    This is aimed at jdr1989. I have worked for builders for 2 and 1/2 years and this company is far from lazy. The drivers in orientation are all given a hotel room to stay in for the first 2 to 3 nights and the only time they were asked to sleep in the old condos on the yard was when they were going through the securment boot camp and that was to simulate life on the road and if you can not handle it in training then you will not make much of a truck driver.
    vhughes Thanks this.
  9. jdr1989

    jdr1989 Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    so you are agreeing about sleeping in dirty trucks and like I said everybody in orientation did nothing but stand outside all day long waiting on them to figure out what to do for orientation they are not very organized there

    YUPITSREALLYME Bobtail Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    Alright jdr1989 I'm going to clear the air for everyone because you're just talking nonsense right now!! At one time BTC did have a securement class ONLY for student drivers who had graduated from a CDL school. Yes BTC did have the students stay in condo trucks for a couple nights so they could get a better feel for sleeping in a truck. As far as the trucks they were freightliner condos. They had a custom heating and a/c unit plumed to each truck kind of like an idle aire set up. They were also equipt with electric, thermostat, smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. They were also kept spotlessly clean inside!! Like I said this was ONLY for student drivers right out of school. But Builders doesn't take students out of school right now. The reason why they did that was so that the students could see what it was like to basically live in a truck like everyone else on the road. You'd be surprised who couldn't sleep in a truck!! Jdr1989 sounds like that driver who complains about everything and because he didn't get his way once he's on here slandering BTC! Jdr1989 you need to think twice befor you try to make Builders look bad because ill rebuttal everything you write about Them with FACTS!!! If anyone has any ?'s feel free to PM me.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2013
    vhughes Thanks this.
  11. allikatzpop

    allikatzpop Light Load Member

    Mar 27, 2008
    Let me start out by saying this ..I'M OLD SCHOOL. I started at BTC in 1989 w/ 10 yrs experience. We drove R model Macks w/o sleepers. The company would pay up to $35 for your motel OR pay the driver $25/night to sleep in the truck..( I've slept across those seats many night for the extra $25.)
    FAST FORWARD..The policy for sleeping arangements in the trucks during training are NO MORE at BTC..
    F.P and his family have come a LONG way since '89..They've weathered the ups and downs of this economy and they are still here...
    I worked there for 19 yrs...If it were not for my health concerns(I have Multiple Sclerosis) I'd still be slinging chains and driving one of those white Macks...
    Chevycobb and 1catfish Thank this.
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