burns harbor orientation

Discussion in 'CR England' started by supraboy757, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    AH, But the fun is just begining! Bring a tub of KY, You'll need it at CRE.
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  3. xXMelonie74Xx

    xXMelonie74Xx Bobtail Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    I got a call from schneider no hiring for newbies now.. hmm school was cancelled twice.I have all my stuff to drive a tanker endorsement and hazmats ...Please someone tell my cr england is doing new hires.Also i cant get a tradition loan and schneider was able to take me in so im hoping cr england can as well.any positive feedback would be appreciated.I need work and a start in the driving business.
  4. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    if you want pos feed back listen to there recruters want the truth read the posts here. few will last long enough at england to get enough exp to move forward.
    most will leave worse then they arrived , with negatave marks on there dac and in debit .
    this is the worst time of the year for all trucking allways is and wont pick up untill Feb.as the economey goes may lag a bit more this year
    If your a cut above the rest you may be the one out of a 1000 that lasts a year
    So dont give them a year keep looking you can do better
  5. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Positive feed back? Well; try asking a question with a positive feed back answer..... CRE?:biggrin_25512:
  6. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    I would seriously reconsider going with CR England. Do a search on here for that company, and read the threads about them. There are other companies that do training that are much better. CR England is probably the worst company out there.

    Millis is one of them. I believe Roehl does as well. Not sure if Crete does, but they could be worth a look too. There are other companies besides.
  7. cl8936

    cl8936 Light Load Member

    Apr 17, 2009
    St. Louis, MO
    Does anybody know which motel they use for students, or if there is more than one. I'll be going on monday and just want to know what I'm getting into.

    A name of the motel, whether or not they have wifi, room quality or any other information would be helpful.
  8. channel 19

    channel 19 Light Load Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    good luck heard alot of stories about that company
  9. He who is called I am

    He who is called I am Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Da U P Eh, Michigan
    ITs a Travel lodge hotel. Its about a 20 min drive or so to where there Burns harbor yd is. Its not the greatest hotel in the world but its way better than the barracks in west valley city. Im not sure about wifi as i have my own wireless connection. I did 2 yrs at CRE and moved on one year too late. Max pay there is a joke...lol You can make money on the lease as i did for 2 years however you wont be home much as you are married to that truck..lol
  10. harleynite

    harleynite Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    bullhead city arizona
    When i was there we stayed at the barracks...just watch all your settlements....there are other starter companies out there..

    Also there are some dispatchers at cre that do care too its not like everybody there dont care about the drivers
  11. SLCTrucker

    SLCTrucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Salt Lake City UT
    They use a hotel called Home Town Lodge. Is around I80 exit 5 Gary IN.
    Heard its ok from students who stayed there but the travel to and from school is bad.
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