burns harbor orientation

Discussion in 'CR England' started by supraboy757, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    LOL avoid the snack machine on 3rd floor!

    Better wifi with rooms closer to elevator
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  3. juan m

    juan m Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    bakersfield, ca
    I'm going to start my orientation with CR England, May 11, 2009. Anyone have any ideas or advice. How much money I'm expenting after my training a week and if is true above what they say.
  4. juan m

    juan m Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    bakersfield, ca
    I'm going to start my orientation with CR England, May 11, 2009. Anyone have any ideas or advice. How much money I'm expenting after my training a week and if is true above what they say.
  5. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Figure on having enough bus money to get yourself home. Also you need enough money for about 2 weeks of life, after the 2 weeks pay should start to kick in.
  6. J60608

    J60608 Bobtail Member

    May 18, 2009

    Did you go ? How is the training , school , hotel ect...?
  7. AngelTruth

    AngelTruth Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2009
    Fresno, CA
    I will tell you this. When I was "giving" a room to sleep it was at a placed called SpringHouse. The hotel would be considered almost 5 star however, not with the staff they have.
    First of all, because I didn't pass the physical I was turned down for a job. After what happen next, I'm truly glad I did fail. The hotel personal lied to the lady at CREngland, claiming that I was rude & disrespectful.

    The only thing I asked was to be giving my own room, seeing how I wasn't going to be attending the school in the morning, therefore I wouldn't need to be up at 5:00am.
    I got a phone call from the morning hotel desk clerk telling me that I was to vacate the room, and call a cab for a ride to Greyhound terminal. (Cab fare $30)

    I informed her that I didn't have $30, and asked if CRE could send the shuttle bus to get me. Next thing I know, I'm being yelled at by the office lady from CRE telling me that, no she would NOT send the bus to get me, and in fact if I didn't hurry my ### up and vacate the room, she would have the cops escort me out.
    She continued to say that, I should have got on the bus when the students did at 6:00am, and gotten a ride to the school. (Not saying that after getting there, I would have been taken to the terminal or not.)

    I was also informed that, during the training period while you're driving the trainer sits in the passenger seat, and that when you finish driving your 10 hours, he/she jumps behind the wheel and drives their 10 hours.
    Talk about a dangerous outlook. Here he/she has been awake the same time as you however, in stead of going to sleep they start driving.

    For those of you who read this and wonder how could they do that, here is the break down: They mark their log as "Off duty not driving or as being in the sleeper" however, all the while they are watching how you drive. Now, maybe they don't stay up the full 10 hours but still, they have got to be tired from all that "just sitting" there. Now they want you to trust them being half tired to drive, while you are fast asleep in the back.

    In short, anyone that goes to work/school at CRE after reading this, should have his or her head examined!
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  8. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Yes the motel crew do have a strange sense of what happens there. I wore a shirt from a former company in the lobby. The hotel management said I was being disrespectful because the emblem did not reflect CR England. I had to altar the image or be tossed because of the emblem. (CMT-Central Maine Trucking).

    Your trainer may or may not be up that whole time. This really depends on your ability to control the truck. If your a white knuckle driver and grind the gears you can guarantee the trainer will be keeping a close eye on you. In my case, the trainer watched me for a hour, then climbed in the back closed the curtains, and I didnt see him for the next 10 hours. We drove 11 hour shifts. Yes we did stop for meals and wht not. Yet it was 14 on and 10 off per shift (on the average).
  9. hman406

    hman406 Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    greensboro nc
    i have a cdl Aabout 1 year ago but no experence, they already shedule me forrefreshing classes , what do i expect to do during my classes, do i have to take exams,or what
  10. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    lol a mountain of paper work! trust me it is 4 inches thick!

    if you survive orientation is the real trick. If you were required financial statements by the recruiter chances are they will need them at orientation. Seems salt lake doesnt share paperwork with burns harbor.

    Classes will be from 7 am to 5 pm. Study your books and work on them even before you get to the trainer truck. Dont worry about how well the guy next to you shifts, that will come with time (hopefully).

    Think born again christian and you have the basis for the way CR thinks.
  11. hman406

    hman406 Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    greensboro nc
    I am shedule to attend c.r england in burns habour Next week i have my cdl A , a year ago but no exprience, i have to take 16 days classes including orientetion, what do i expect to do during my 16 days, do i have to take any exams, do they do one on one training on the truck, and how is the lodging, is it a hotel or doom, how many people in a room.
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