Business Plan/ Mentor Needed

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by haider99, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I dont like the 2 hour waitint part. I have to make this delivery at 9 am and they customer will come in at 7 am. Also, have a backhaul scheduled for 1pm, about 2 hours away.

    Will I know from the customer and US customs if its an FDA?
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Whether you like it or not is irrelevant.
    It's 1 hour longer than the usual 1 hour wait for all shipments once entry number is granted if the carrier is not ct-pat certified. If the carrier is ct-pat the time is 30 minutes. [Still 2 hours for fda for all carriers]

    There isn't an easy way to know exactly what fda will want to review.... it is the food and drug administration. You got food? It might need fda review. Same story for agriculture (AQI). Because it is destined for animal feed I doubt it will warrant fda review, but I am no expert. I just know the process.

    One way to find out is to approach the booth with less than the required time elapsed. That usually is a good way to get an ### chewing (and maybe even a return trip to Canada so you can try again)
  4. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Do you think the person accidently filled in CDN customs form rather then US or there has to be something else?

    If all this takes time, I might have to cancel my backhaul... which I have doing because I dont knkw what to say to the broker
  5. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    When did you pick this load up?
  6. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Picked it up on Friday from St-Bruno, QC. The shipper didnt have the invoice and I emailed the broker and she got it from the customer
  7. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    This should have been dealt with Friday... That way if the customer failed to give proper invoice your butt is covered. At this point you hold at least part of the blame. Lesson learned.
  8. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Yeah. I got the invoice at 3pm on Friday. I failed to notice that it was Canadian.

    If you were in this situatiom how would you deal with the backhaul? First time dealing with this broker. Appointmemt time is 1 pm and ends at 2 i believe from Watkins Glen.

    At 7, is what the lady will come in and pergaps give me the correct invoice.
  9. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Just let the lesson be to very carefully look over all paperwork before you leave the shipper. Make sure load reference numbers match, piece count matches, customs paperwork has proper buyer and seller, absolutely everything. Mistakes happen. Just don't let them be repetitive. This is something that falls into what I call "general b.s." and people never want to have phone calls with general b.s. If you are the guy who picks and delivers on time no damage no general b.s. you will set yourself apart from the crowd.
  10. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Well the load got cleared on CDN invoice. Got a call at 2 am.

    My Highland driver has bought his own truck. And now I have to do something about mine. Either find someone to run it with Highland or under my dispatch for Montreal/Quebec.

    Also, starting next week, we will be making more trips into Midwest and less into PA to know those lanes. A while back I took a light load to Effingham, IL for 1100CAD on 684 miles. I don't know if it was a good rate or not, but it was my first... What do you think?

    What kind of rates should I be quoting for WI and IN runs? If you dont mind telling me.
  11. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    2-400 light on the Illinois load, for a dry load from Toronto that is..

    I haven't run that area in a long time, I have more than I can handle with my current lanes. Which do not include il in wi. Sorry
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