Business Plan/ Mentor Needed

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by haider99, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Based on what I have read, the $0.65 is more for Eastern States. $0.50-$0.55 is for Midwest and Quebec. Their high rates, new equipment, less years of experience requirement vs my get pretty tough.

    There are probably a lot of false advertisement but the drivers don't know that until they get into it.
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  3. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Every time I see my trucks, unplated and not on the road... I come back here for help lol.
  4. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    I've been successful in many different businesses in several different, and VERY competitive industries, and one thing I learned early on is NEVER compete on "price." The minute you compete on price you are nothing more than a commodity and subject to the next guy that comes along at a lower price (or better offer in the case of $/mile).
    gokiddogo Thanks this.
  5. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    ^^^^ Nobody wins a price war. And here's another thought. There are countless large carriers doing the Toronto-Montreal corridor who offer drop and hook pre-planned work. So the driver goes and does it as fast as legally possible. That sure does make for a happy driver. AND on top of that they have trucks they trade at 3 or 4 years old, so mechanical issues are rare, and a steady paycheck on top of all that.

    That lane is competitive as hell. You would do better doing Toronto to IL, PA, OH, MI, etc. with dry vans. Forget the french province. They are also very protectionist. No habla francais? No load (or low pay junk) for you! Ok then. Starve for all I care.
  6. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    ^ I agree. Quebec is out of the equation. I have checked the boards and there is a decent amount of rounders for the US states you have mentioned, I am thinking most are auto parts. As well as other one way freight.

    What would you offer IF you ever higher drivers?
  7. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Would love to learn from you based on your past experience. A lot of young blood like myself ( I am 27 now lol) and my friends are trying to make a living out there with small business ventures.
  8. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    After incurring around 12 k in warranty on various DEF system repairs and a week down time, my truck is back in the shop. The warranty was expiring this month and I dropped it off tk get it looked at and they found multiple issues.

    1. Bull gear is gone
    2. Code for DEF system, Scr might be next to get changed
    3. Some other smaller issues

    The warranty was well worth it but at 900k KM on the truck, these are big bill repairs.
  9. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014

    Hey buddy,

    Hope all is well with you. I have a question. I have a load to Montreal which I will pickup at 3pm and straight delivery. Now, the receiver takes 2 hours to unload and I will be in sleeper then. My pickup will be at 8 am, 30 mins away. Now, in this case, how will the logs work? Can I do my 2-3 hours sleeper while they are unloading, then hook up amd driver 30 minutes to pickup and finish up my 8 hours there?

    I doubt I will be able to nap 8 hours at the receiver end.
    PPNLE Thanks this.
  10. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    If you start your day at the shipper at 3 pm your day ends at 7 am. 16 hour window.

    I would get it delivered then go directly to shipper. Putting you on shipper property at something like 3 or 4 am. Guessing you are loading at Toronto.

    Technically in Canada "all time waiting to be loaded or unloaded is to be recorded as on duty". Although we bend this rule sometimes. In my opinion, it can be logged as line 1 or 2 only in the event the driver isn't on the dock/actively helping, and if the customer is ridiculously slow. Depends what officer you get.
  11. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    You can not split the 8. You can split 10 into two periods that add up to 10 so long as the lesser is at least 2 hours. So, if you do 3:15 at the receiver, then 6:45 at the shipper is good. Until you do a regular rest you stay in split-sleeper mode and have to ensure you don't exceed any of your 13/14/16 or daily limits.

    Of course the standard 8 hours consecutive and 2 hours non-consecutive in periods of at least 30 minutes applies, so if you do 2 at the receiver then 8 at the end of your day is good.
    steve092 Thanks this.
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