Business Plan/ Mentor Needed
Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by haider99, Jan 17, 2016.
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Gokiddogo: Would you be willing to share your cents/mile, fuel/mile and on average how many miles you run every month.
I did my math based on 8000 miles per month and I am sitting on $1.90/mile with driver's pay. Something does not seem right.
Thanks -
I don't break everything down to by the mile. I do it by fixed expenses based on time and running expenses actually making the truck move. I get my revenue based on what the market will give. The thinking of x per mile is fine, but remember freight pays above and below that depending on origin and destination and commodity. For example you may get a load for 2.20 a to b sounds good right? Load from b back to a pays 1.10, if you can get a load back at all. Later you realize you made a broker a lot of money that day because you didn't know the market and he usually pays say 3.00 but because you are the new guy he pulled one over on you. There is way more to running your own authority than just knowing your cost to move the truck. You must know your target markets and rates.
Loose Leaf and noluck Thank this. -
Another thing. We are still going back and forth with the insurance.
They said since the collision was in QC, the law if land applies and the pay out will be based on QC appraisel and not ON.
How does this sound? -
The appraisal is for similar vehicles in your area not where the crash happens.
Which broker did you find to quote you for old Republic? -
The stop deducting insurance from pay but bumped up the deductible.
I have to pay storage costs starting today becuase i did not accept their "reasoable offer of 22k" and also today they said. Since the collisiom was in QC. The appraisal and payout is based on QC numbers. even though truck was bought and registered in Ontario. -
Just wanted to point out that the insurance is for 600 radius of Toronto.
Effective January 2nd... very excited and a little nervous. -
This driver say's "I don't care about your problems. With out me you are nothing but and owner of trucks and trailers. Pay me right and pay me well. Understand my needs and respect them. Don't ever talk down to me or berate me. If you make me feel like a needed respected viable part of your company I will bend over backwards for you. All I want to do is drive and take care of my family. As a group we are simple people that just want to be respected. A good paycheck, good safe equipment, and no touch freight, and I will be a loyal employee. (I work for somebody that treats me this way, I would do anything for him.) Hope you find a bunch of "me's"
Loose Leaf Thanks this. -
And what is a good pay?
42 to 50 cpm
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