Bypassing the Brokers

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by TruckTech56, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. afterburn25

    afterburn25 Medium Load Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Lafayette, LA
    no you have no clue that is my point im just fed up with these brokers claiming they know it all when they dont know anything about what we do and how little we make doing it
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  3. LSAgentOZR

    LSAgentOZR Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    The majority of our guys are really happy with what they make and work less to get it. It sounds as though you have a chip on your shoulder and its mostly due to you dealing with the wrong people. You don't know me, you don't know how we operate, so quit making assumptions and accusations.
  4. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    I have no dog in this fight, so what I write next is not taking sides.

    afterburn, using punctuation when writing would at least give the appearance that you are more than just a complaining O/O with a chip on their shoulder. Unfortunately, what I see is an uneducated person trying to be a businessman. Maybe this is why you are having such a hard time.

    I mean no disrespect. Only constructive criticism.
    UTI TRANSPORT Thanks this.
  5. cominghomesc

    cominghomesc Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2010
    After burn do you take loads from brokers?
  6. afterburn25

    afterburn25 Medium Load Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Lafayette, LA
    Well honestly I think there agents seems all the big brokerage companies use agents im not sure who is a broker and agent since all the agents try and act like big shot brokers
  7. afterburn25

    afterburn25 Medium Load Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Lafayette, LA
    I never said I was having a hard time just frustrated with poor rates and brokers acting all they need to do is pay our fuel and thats all we deserve for payment its ridicules
    As far as the comment from the grammer police well excuse me but im on my cell phone and im not going to hit 3 extra buttons for a pwriod or comma then 3 button again to go back to keyboard so that being said if one can not understand what I have said cause I didnt put a period in then whos the uneducated one
  8. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    No matter the excuse, lack of punctuation is a sure sign you have lack of detail. Something a good O/O would not let slide.

    Did I write I couldn't read your post? No.

    I too send these post from my Galaxy SIII phone.
  9. afterburn25

    afterburn25 Medium Load Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Lafayette, LA
    If I were typing to an actual customer I might care but a casual forum honestly not worth the extra effort you dont know me or my business and to troll these forums and wrte flame posts to others judging there business based on punctuation thats what my secratary is for were suposed to be on the same side
  10. LSAgentOZR

    LSAgentOZR Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    What, you mean someone's judging you without getting to know you?! Say it ain't so! :biggrin_25521: There are no sides in this. THAT is where you show a lack of tact. Not all brokers are bad. I've got 4 loads today paying $.30 cpm above the prevailing rate in that specific lane. How many brokers do you know who would pass the extra money on?
  11. dannythetrucker

    dannythetrucker Road Train Member

    May 26, 2011
    everywhere, man
    @LSAgentOZR, off topic, but how do you determine the prevailing rate in a specific lane ? In Cleveland area today looking for a van load to IL got offered $1.07, $1.33, $1.57, $1.44, $1.15, $1.16, and $1.78/mile (which I regrettably accepted) So what's the prevailing rate ?

    Plus, we kind of get a sense of it because we're making all these calls to many brokers, but how do you as a broker keep track of what other loads are going for in the same lane ?
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