C.R.England: Good or Bad?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Menehune, May 21, 2012.

  1. Menehune

    Menehune Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Looking for first hand information as to whether they are good or bad. I have read the other threads, but most are hearsay. I want first hand information, from those who lived it, and not those who never worked for them, or those who heard from someone else. I am not yet convinced that they are that bad, just another starter company who relies on newbes's. Anyone have personal information on this company? I am really getting tired of those who screwed themselves, and wish to badmouth the company for their stupidity. I am looking for information on how this company is screwing you.
    beermooch67 Thanks this.
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  3. dptrucker

    dptrucker Road Train Member

    May 14, 2012
    then i suggest you go and find out yourself and see whats the truth or not.everyone,s experience is different. good luck
    GAlanFink, Menehune and DooRagg Thank this.
  4. bigjoel

    bigjoel Road Train Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Houston, Tx
    Well if you believe all the threads about them are "hearsay", then go sign up with them and form your own opinion.

    Just don't come crying after they shaft you, and expect any sympathy.
    GAlanFink and Menehune Thank this.
  5. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    Been with England for almost 4 years now and it is what you make of it. I leased, bought truck, paid off said truck and now I am trying to become a fleet owner.
    Menehune Thanks this.
  6. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    I have a little firsthand experience with England and it has been both good and bad, but the good has outweighed the bad for me. :)
    I don't have much to compare them with though, since I only worked for one other company (USXpress).
    It will be rough, but could work out good for you.
    Menehune Thanks this.
  7. Belt Loop

    Belt Loop Bobtail Member

    May 8, 2012
    White Oak, Texas
    Dewey- How much do you spend roughly week to week on truck stocked provisions. Food, drinks, etc...
  8. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    This is where I am bad. I used to goto Walmart and spend about $150 on food/drink and that would last me a month. I would only spend about $20 a week at truck stops. Now I usually spend $20-$30 a day on food and drink at the truck stops and it adds up quick.

    I have noticed I also gained about 20 pounds since I eat entirely from truck stops now. I got home time coming up in a week and I will hit up the Walmart pretty hard so I can go back to making my own food. Even eating processed canned food is healthier then most truck stop food.
    MissDenise Thanks this.
  9. Belt Loop

    Belt Loop Bobtail Member

    May 8, 2012
    White Oak, Texas
    Hey thanks a lot Dewey! That is very reassuring. I am probably going to school next month. I just hope they continue to offer the free tuition @ England. I need to send every dollar home if possible, so I am trying to get an idea of what I can keep to live on week to week.
    I really appreciate your prompt response and your directness.
    Maybe I can be part of your fleet someday!!
  10. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    My wife and I spend about $20 per day on food from the truck stops.
  11. RizenPhoenix

    RizenPhoenix Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    Santa Cruz, CA
    If you plan well, stock up and hit the occasional walmart for supplies you should be able to live on the road for less then $100 a week. If you eat out of the truck stop convenience stores you are looking at about $20-30 bucks a day. If you eat out of the truck stop restaurants you are looking at $10-20 bucks a meal.

    I recommend the first option not only because of the money savings. The latter two option are a great way to gain weight and develop cardiovascular problems. I speak from experience on this. When I started driving I was at about 280lbs(I'm 6'5" with a big frame so that's not as bad as it sounds), 4 years later I was up to 420lbs and having chest pains. I'm been slowly inching my way back down the weight scale since and I'm creeping up(or should that be down to?) on the 300 mark. The health problems I developed due to the weight gain is why I'm an ex-trucker, for now at least.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2012
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