Depends on what your definition of Terminal is - if you want to know what Terminals they have with any form of amenities, good luck - there was a couple that I was never at - but the ones I visited during my stay with England?
SLC UT - Driving School,Restaurant, C-Store, Military style 'motel' rooms, Service bays (horrid ones) and body shop (where they fix the many mistakes made - poorly)
Colton CA - Some schooling, Game room - good Service center
South Holland IL - Break Room - Decent service center staffed mainly with Ex-Schneider mechs it seemed
Burns Harbor IN - Driving School - Small cafeteria - not much else - shop was moved from here to South Holland.
Laredo TX - Some School stuff, Idle Air (Restricted to when the temp is just right outside), Service center (almost as bad as SLC)
There is a Terminal in VA that I was never at - and they have a couple "drop yards" -
Atlanta (used by multiple carriers and behind the Fed Pen)
Kearney NJ (Multiple carriers use this one as well, small, dirty and a cluster ####),
Dallas TX (never been to it)
Denver CO - actually owned by England - BEWARE the trailers there are rather - crappy...
Englewood OH - A dirt lot behind a 4 wheeler mechanic shop - If you goo there in the winter? You'll need to dig out your trailer, and have fun in the mud.. lol
There may be a few more 'drop yards' but that is about it.. Hopefully this helps - as England will not give you any information about the yards you may get sent to - especially if it is a shop or terminal - so if you get sent anywhere other than SLC for any extended reasons, be prepared to fend for yourself finding food etc - even in SLC the grill there is expensive - but not horrible.
C.R. England Terminals?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Sean_Memphis, Feb 23, 2015.
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joseph1135 Thanks this.
BUT if you go, make sure you check for bedbugs before you unpack anything in the motel. The motel they had us in at the Burns Harbor (IN) school was infested with bedbugs and I didn't realize it until they had chewed me up pretty good... and make sure you bring a good padlock so you can protect your belongings from being stolen by any of your roomates. Good luck if you decide to try CRE. -
All I know is if I want to talk to the owner of the company I work for now I go knock on his door at England just to get upstairs there was 2 metal detectors. And 4 security gaurds.
Hmmmm, I wonder why that might be... -
It could be because they rape their drivers so bad and are such thieving crooks that it's not unheard of for a driver to want to kill all of them and some have tried.
drvrtech77 Thanks this. -
welp. . .looks like im gonna to have to be the guy that will say i sent an application to CRE
yep. . .
only because i am guilty of 3 preventable accidents and cant seem to get a job anywhere else. . . .
i really hope CRE isnt as bad werner or CRST or western express. . . .
to choose a lesser evil. . . -
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