C.R. England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by lilly, Jun 29, 2007.
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OK am I missing something here?
ssshhhh this is the thread where you come and sleep. LOL
I guess his favorite company worked him so hard this week he fell asleep before he could tell us about it.
Either that or he has narcolepsy!
I was just kidding...you know just to put some humor to all this crapy thing about the devil's and stealers's company:"cr england",someday I hope all of them will pay for evertyhing they have done, bunch of crooks...now I'm wondering why they have to much money, lol, of course they live from the 10% from their members , the money from cr england, and from some casinos in las vegas too, did you guys know about this too?love the prophet they say...and God or Jesus? ha, brain washed I would call it
The worst part of this is that my hubby don't get it yet...I talked to him about the guy who posted here and was billed for 10.000 after he leased the truck, the demo for 6 months...I told him about how they charged him for everything, even for the problems the truck had before he signed anything, but my baby don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the hell am I supposed to do to make him open his eyes?I'l have to get another job and one more to cover the bills for the next months, I don't care about helping him but the ponit is that if he goes down I'm going with him too specially here in Texas where the bills are shared.
Oh God.......
thisis what cr england and the mormons in charge of the company mean to me, I hope all of them burn in hell sooner or later.
I know all about the mormons, boy. That is an evil bunch for sure. Talk about ruthless businessmen. I guess I don't have a problem with a state thats full of Gordon Geckos, I just have a problem with people who pervert the Bible like the mormons do in the name of the almighty dollar.
Stay away from the mormons and anything they are associated with (this includes some of the big casinos in Vegas), and you'll be much better off.
The scariest thing about these kooks right now is Mitt Romney. This guy could be somebody's vice president someday. -
Let's stop the religion bashing please.
God forbid! -
I'm actually bashing a cult, not a religion. It matters not, though. The powers that be in Utah have brought any bashing from outsiders all on themselves.
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