C.R. England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by lilly, Jun 29, 2007.
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Isn't this thread on "THE PLEASURES OF DRIVING LIFE" ????
cr england does not care about there drivers they only care about there driver managewrs
They dont care about their DM's. Thats funny ya think they do.
Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
thats why thay have armed security at west valley
I am just going to throw this out here a cult is defined as a group of people not just one church so before saying it is a cult learn the definitions. I agree stop bashing the religion. Just to answer you question Tip no I am not mormon.
Here's something interesting, I just read that if Salt Lake City is ever hit with a 8.0 or higher quake and the Wasatch fault opens the whole city could take a dive ... it's built on sand, shale and other brittle materials.
Just a thought while I was dozing in the thread. -
Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
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