C1 School Springfield, MO

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by Reycer, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Reycer

    Reycer Medium Load Member

    Feb 15, 2013
    K, so I'm only posting this so that newbies (like myself) can search and find this maybe helpful.

    Just got to the motel:

    You stay at the American Inn right down the road from the school. Here are a few things you need to bring with you to the motel.
    1) A power strip and/or extension cord. There are LIMITED outlets in the room, and all but one are taken up by something (i.e. fridge, microwave)
    2) There are NO vending machines or ice machines, so don't come prepared thinking you will get up in the night for a soda or something, you will not. There is a gas station just right up the road.
    3) Don't come thinking your going to the Hilton, believe you me YOU ARE NOT! This is a dive motel if there ever was one. The rooms are VERY small.
    4) If you have clothes that you need to hang, bring hangers. There are none in the room. There is a cheap rack that functions as a clothes rack, but it is very cheap and falls A LOT!
    5) The TV in the room is about 10 inches. (but honestly do you really need a huge one?)
    6) If you don't like to sleep around a lot of noise, bring some earplugs. There are very active train tracks behind the motel and the interstate right in front, there is a LOT of noise.
    7) BRING YOUR OWN PILLOWS!! The ones here SUCK! If you want a good nights sleep, you will certainly want to bring your own. Bringing your own blankets isn't that bad of an idea either.
    8) Want coffee in the morning or evening? Bring your own pot. There are no coffee pots in the rooms. Also there are no plastic cups.

    I think that's pretty much it as far as the motel goes. Like I said I'm only posting this because I tried to search the motel out around the internet about the trucker students and wasn't finding much, so I'm posting it for anyone that's getting ready to head out this way. I will say while this motel just barely has the basics as far as a motel room goes, it is clean. I've read around where people have had bad experiences from this motel, but I have not seen that as of yet.

    Mike aka Reycer

    Here's a pic of one of the room:
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Sleeping bag works, instead of bringing blankets.
  4. Reycer

    Reycer Medium Load Member

    Feb 15, 2013
    haha yup that's what I was meaning to say. Sleeping bags.
  5. Reycer

    Reycer Medium Load Member

    Feb 15, 2013
    The School:

    Got to the school today. Here's just a few more pointers for probies (like myself lol).

    1) BRING YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE! Make sure it's the state issued one and NOT the hospital issued one. Watched a guy today bring his hospital birth certificate and they did not accept it.

    2) DO NOT laminate your Social Security Card. C1 said that they will indeed accept it because they are just making copies, but your trucking company WILL NOT accept it.

    3) You are not allowed to drink alcohol at any time while you are a student (this includes the motel), you would think this was a no brainer but was told today that they have sent people home for it.

    4) It might be in your best interest to go ahead and download the Missouri CDL Handbook and begin studying it. This can be found here. I myself came in (Thank God) already have read and taken the test on this so I knew what was coming. The terminology IS different than the E-Gears Pre-Test that you take on Driver's Solutions website.
  6. Reycer

    Reycer Medium Load Member

    Feb 15, 2013
    So graduated C1 yesterday. Would have to say that overall my experience with them was a great one. You really do learn a lot from them. I would honestly recommend them to anyone.
  7. truckerfan82

    truckerfan82 Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2013
    caboo mo
    i am starting jan 27th 2014, and i am not going to have my own car, :( is anyone else starting at this time that i could catch a ride with to and from class to the hotel?? i would be very greatful. i would be able to help out on gas also..
  8. Reycer

    Reycer Medium Load Member

    Feb 15, 2013
    Pretty sure there's still a shuttle to and from. Unless that had changed. I do know they changed motels. Good luck to ya. And tell Paul, Reycer says hi!
  9. truckerfan82

    truckerfan82 Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2013
    caboo mo
    yeah they stopped doing the shuttle. but ok thanks and i will let them know.
  10. Bigfoot_Trucking

    Bigfoot_Trucking Light Load Member

    Feb 16, 2012
    Whats the cost/length of this school?
  11. truckerfan82

    truckerfan82 Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2013
    caboo mo
    its a three week course, and the cost can vary. if you get a company sponsor its no cost. or if you get a grant its no cost, if you pay cash its like 4-6k
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