Calex Express ...Home Sweet Home.

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Metallica88, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Dabrian

    Dabrian Light Load Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    North Carolina
    Don't let the hangup on dockwork keep you away from LTL. UPSF, OD, Fedex, Dayton, Estes etc are all great companies and you can make great money.
    Texas_hwy_287 and Metallica88 Thank this.
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  3. Metallica88

    Metallica88 Medium Load Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    The only thing
    The only thing Is I have to add hazmat and doubles endorsement to my license.
    I put in an application with Gress Refrigerated Services. Their equipment looks clean and well maintained. Lady at the desk said they require two years experience but they seem need for drivers so she said fill out an app anyway.
    I'm also gonna try road scholar transport and Carlisle carriers.
    Texas_hwy_287 Thanks this.
  4. Wicked Wizard

    Wicked Wizard Heavy Load Member

    Jul 15, 2008
    Northeast PA
    I know a few guys that went there and a few that left. I believe they don't offer health benefits anymore. They upped the cpm to compensate for you going on Obamacare. If you find out more please share it here.
  5. Metallica88

    Metallica88 Medium Load Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    For the coast with no experience I was offers 36 cpm to start with a penny raise every three months. 40 cpm after 1 year penny raises every year after.
    There is a fuel bonus. Being a first year driver I didn't qualify. BUT if I did hit a fuel bonus in my first year it would be put in escrow and giving to me on my one year anniversary.
    Calex makes new drivers fresh out of school sign a year contract for $1000 dollars. They take $50 a week out of your check until that $1000 is met. If you stay a full year you get it back.
    I was offered benfits. The dental was affordable. Like ten bucks a week top. The healthcare they offered suck but it's something. I don't have the paperwork still but they had two plans around 35 and 45 dollars a week but the deductible was high. I believe 5000 and 7000 on the plans. Calex has no 401K so your on your own for retirement.
    Need4Speed Thanks this.
  6. Fuelinmyveins

    Fuelinmyveins Medium Load Member

    Nov 13, 2017
  7. Metallica88

    Metallica88 Medium Load Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    Still looking. I'm gonna apply at Gress. I wonder if they have something home everyday.
    buckmanmike Thanks this.
  8. Fuelinmyveins

    Fuelinmyveins Medium Load Member

    Nov 13, 2017
    I doubt it. Their trucks are all sleeper and they pull reefer trailers. They are located on keyser ave in Scranton. You should check NFI and Jb hunt intermodal for home daily
    Metallica88 Thanks this.
  9. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    This would (Calex) have been a good company if we had found them back when. FFE was pretty good (Maybe not to everyone) and we will always feel loyalty to them and the people that handled the company. But McKesson in Memphis is my first true love when I consider companies to run for.

    There is another east coast company called Frock Brothers, Near Hanvoer PA-Mechanicsburg PA as the crow flies. I applied a thousand times as a kid only to be patted on the head and sent home to mama in a nice way. (Too stupid to understand that then.)

    I wonder sometimes if they would have been willing to take on this old dinosaur today in one of their Petes or studio KW's that they loved to run so much with the spread axle reefers. You could do alot with those. Such a difference a lifetime brings.
    Metallica88 Thanks this.
  10. Metallica88

    Metallica88 Medium Load Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    I might bite the bullet and go with Gress. Home on the weekends shouldn't be too bad. I have to ask about my cat. I hope they have a pet policy.
  11. Sherm117

    Sherm117 Light Load Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    How come you cant go to jb hunt or hub if you want to be home? How much experience do you have?
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