Calex Express....My New Home!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by JohnBoy, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Well, since I've met most of you in person, and have become friends with some, I want to take this time to let you all know that I've left Calex for a local tanker position close to home. For me, I just wasn't getting consistent miles, and thus wasn't getting a consistent paycheck every week. Add to that the high cost of living on the road and making sure that my wife had things she needed at home, and it definitely put a strain on us financially.

    I still think Calex is an excellent company and would recommend anyone with experience who is looking for a new company to seriously consider them. The office, dispatch, and safety personnel are great, and you are treated as a human being, not a number. I just, for some reason, wasn't getting the miles I'd hoped for.

    Anyway, I wish all of you well, and to those whom I've met in person, it was truly my honor. You are all great people as well. And John, thanks for the helpful advise you've given me over the phone, and the assistance in JAX with that stubborn set of tandems. I don't plan on being a stranger and I will always visit this thread, and chat with you guys when I get the chance.

    Be safe out there!
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  3. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    Steve, sorry to see you leave. I fully understand your reason for leaving. Good luck with the new job. Check in once in a while to see how our little world is going. Be safe.
  4. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    Got my usual Thursday morning message on my peoplenet, "Call Louie". So here's the extent of the phone conversation, "see me tomorrow after you get empty in Jersey in the morning, I'm sending over a Fort Lauderdale load that loads at noon tomorrow and delivers Tuesday morning." End of conversation.
  5. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    I am too as on a whole I like Calex. Thanks for the well wishes, and I certainly will remain a part of the little community of friends we seem to have here.
  6. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Voyager, are the gas wells booming on your side of the state? It's crazy all the opportunity over this way. Hope all works out for you with the new gig.
  7. Trucker4Life05

    Trucker4Life05 Medium Load Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    Hesperia Ca
    well voyager i will probably doing the same
  8. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Kind of, but it's north of where I live. Actually, what I will be doing is hauling fresh water to a drinking water company.
  9. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Small world, that's what I'm doing. Our fresh water goes to outlying rural areas as well as water for the rig sites here for their fresh water services, and just here in the last few days I've been hauling like crazy over in Uniontown for an underground drilling crew, best I can make of it they're losing their groundwater somewhere in the process and they're having to have fresh water trucked in to a frac tank (that's what I do) and then they truck it up the hill to the driller.

    It's going pretty good, trying to make the best of it until I can move back to Florida, I put in 38 hours between Monday and Wednesday and they were nice enough to give me today off, I'll be back on it tomorrow and probably Saturday as well. This is my first time with liquid and let me tell you it's definately got a pucker factor going up and down some of these hills.
  10. jvar4001

    jvar4001 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    so how things are doing in the oil well in PA , is there an oportunity for drivers over there ?:biggrin_2558:
  11. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Plenty of work in western PA, but we're not going to derail JB's thread with that info.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
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