Calex Express....My New Home!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by JohnBoy, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. rhino514

    rhino514 Light Load Member

    Aug 21, 2008
    Hop Bottom , Pa.
    when i here SUPER TRUCKERS say they cant make money on e logs i tell them its either your company doesnt know how to dispatch you or you dont know how to stay out of every truck stop you pass !!!!
    mile marker Thanks this.
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  3. snowman01

    snowman01 Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    North Carolina
    I was standing in the truck bay at the Walmart/Henderson, NC location a while back and heard an awful sound. Looked out and saw that a truck had had the trailer door come loose when pulling from a bay, caught it on the truck next to its hood somehow and not only ripped the trailer door off but pretty much destroyed the hood of the other truck as well. Glad I didn't have a "hey, I've got a small problem here" phone call to my employer with that one.
  4. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Personally, I like e-logs, and had no problem running with them. I did one west coast run when I was there, and like John always points out, you CAN run coast produce IF you know how to manage your time and do proper trip planning.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Most figure if you cannot FUDGE it or FIX it to suit your needs ( logbook ) its against you. Same as when the ECM's were put on trucks , lot CRIED as they could not FARM YARD tune the engine to suit the way they wanted to.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  6. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I'm home, finally. After 2.5 weeks it's about time. I don't know how people can stay out 4-6 weeks and longer. It's just me, I couldn't do it. My last day before I got home had me arguing with myself. I should have been home Wednesday but Louie put me on a set run that doesn't leave Pittston until Wednesday so I took a reset in PA, loaded Wednesday and left.

    This run is pretty easy, except for the fact it's a lot of off hour delivering. I woke up Wednesday morning, drove to our customer in Jessup Pa at 5am, picked up 2 pallets of product and went down to our warehouse in Plains to wait on the NY Times shuttle trailers to show up. They got there, the loads where staged on the dock and I was loaded and pulling out the gate at 8:30. One of our drivers, Tom who lives in Cocoa Beach and has been doing a set run down to Naples the last 4 months gave me all the pointers I needed.

    We both left and headed south. We stopped once then split up in NC at the 40/95 split. He has 6 drops every week, I have 3. I got to Wilmington NC and bumped the dock at 8pm and went to sleep. At 1am they opened and I drooped off the one pallet. I finished my sleeper time right there and was up and running at 6am. I made it to West Palm Beach to my second drop at 8pm and went to bed. I was up at 6am this morning and pulling out the gate at 6:30. I was at my last drop in Deerfield Beach at 7:30 and empty at 8am. I was parked by the house at 8:30. Louie called and said I will be doing this the next 3 weeks. My reload is for Monday. I need to be empty in Pittston Tuesday night to start this all over again Wednesday.

    Outside of the off hours dropping freight, this is a piece of cake.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  7. Jersey Mike

    Jersey Mike Bobtail Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Hackettstown, NJ
    I'm not sure if this has been covered, and I've burnt my retinas out of my skull for the past few weeks reading this thread (very helpful, BTW), but does Calex offer a retirement plan? Be it 401k or otherwise, does the company offer a match? The reason I'm asking is that I just started a state gov't job, and the thing that really benifits me there is the pension. I guess this brings up another point: I have about 9 years experience and a pretty clean record, but I haven't driven in about 8 months now. I have no employment gap, but my current job is non-CDL, I'm a commercial and school bus inspector. Pension, great's just not for me. lol. Driving is still my passion. I guess I had to try the private sector and the whole 9-5 thing just to say i tried. Thanks for this thread, and all your help. The thing that really struck me is how tight a group you guys are. There was a point where one of your guys had a house fire and other drivers spread the word and tried to lend the guy a hand, and that's one of the things that rubbed me the right way.
  8. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I hope this has made for good reading material for you. It really comes in handy while sitting on the

    We do have a 401K. I don't participate in it, I've had mine and my wifes retirement taken care of for many years in other investments. .

    The gap in driving has popped up before with other drivers and has been a non issue, as long as your employment past checks out.

    That driver who lost his home to fire a year and a half ago also had a special needs adult child living at home, that kinda made a lot of us chip in even more, especially that it happened at Christmas time.

    It seems every driver that wants to drive here has some sort of checkered past, one way or another. Call into safety on Monday, follow the prompts on the phone and get either Brian or Chris on the phone. Your questions are legit and they will be glad to give you the right answer.
    Jersey Mike Thanks this.
  9. Jersey Mike

    Jersey Mike Bobtail Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Hackettstown, NJ
    Oh, so I have a checkered past now? I'm some kind of renegade hooligan? Is that what I'm hearing? Huh? HUH?? Lol, just kidding. I know what you're saying, every applicant has their own unique set of circumstances that led them their. Well, the worst i can do is try, and if it doesn't work out, I go back to the iron mines.... Lol, thanks again guys.
  10. mile marker

    mile marker Light Load Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Pittsburgh Pa
    Johnboy glad to see things still going good for you. Boy how i miss those days running to the West Coast and back. Been super busy this last month and got to take the girlfriend out for a nice 12 day run so that was nice. It will be tough on monday when i roll out looking to say something to her and she ain't there. Even though i know after a couple days she's was getting bored, but she likes to come with me sometimes to show her support for me, gotta love a girl for that!!!!

    Also got a new truck Cascadia. Man what a pain moving everything into the new one. Wasn't to thrill with the Prostars, but it wasn't really a bad truck but for some reason i just didn't like it. So far with this Cascadia no complaints, just hope as its gets some miles under it, it doesn't start to rattle apart like the old ones are know for. Well be safe on your next trip out.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  11. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Well, I sent in an internet application and an e-mail to Brian this afternoon. We'll see what happens and if I'm eligible for re-hire. I miss the company, the people, and the variety of routes running regional freight.
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