Calex Express....My New Home!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by JohnBoy, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. kwray

    kwray Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    Now that you mention it, its been a few months since I've been out to McElhattan, although I did give a guy directions out to there yesterday. He lives in FL but I don't know where his load was going. We may have lost a load or two from them but we haven't lost the client entirely.
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  3. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I'm quite sure we did loose it, there is 4 of us that live in Florida that were going to McKesson Medical in Orlando every day of the week. We also had 3 other loads going to 3 other customers in Orlando at least once a week each, not to mention the one in Fort Lauderdale that I went to sometimes for weeks on end. Then we were picking up in Georgia and South Carolina going back to Lewistown and McElhattan. All this came to an abrupt halt when they decided to send it by rail. That was back in March and neither one of us have seen one of those loads since. I heard we were getting 25 loads a week at the height of our involvement with them, then one day we had to go their to pick up our dropped empties and take them out. Now we have the honor of hauling dog food out of Allentown that requires us to have half tanks of fuel so we can leave there grossing 80,000lbs.
  4. mr truckdriver

    mr truckdriver Light Load Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    ft myers fl
    all good thing come to an end i guess
  5. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Yes, because, God forbid, the shipper cut a pallet or two so you can actually fill up the fuel tanks during a trip.
  6. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    Have you started back yet?
  7. kwray

    kwray Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    We haven't lost First Quality entirely. We still run shuttles daily from Hazleton to King of Prussia. But it does seem to have dropped off more than a load or two.
  8. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    I knew we still had a few shuttles. But going from 25 loads a week to an occasional shuttle is a big drop in loads. Is Mark still working on his truck?
  9. Cyanide

    Cyanide Light Load Member

    Aug 15, 2011
    Jacksonville, FL
    John, you hit the nail on the head with a sledgehammer! It's been months since I saw McElhatten, though I did grab a load out of FQB Lewistown a little over a month ago going down to Macon. But yeah, going to McKesson in Orlando or the other couple of spots we hit in Jax were great home runs for us.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  10. Cyanide

    Cyanide Light Load Member

    Aug 15, 2011
    Jacksonville, FL
    Good morning to all, I hope this finds everyone doing great today wherever y'all may be. Obviously I have gotten away from the message board postings over the last few years (some may remember that I used to post a detailed blog myself on another site years ago when I ran tankers), and I haven't really ever joined in on this one. Needless to say, I will be venturing off and most likely becoming slightly active again, albeit on my old tanker thread or, I may just start a new one altogether...

    I left the employ of Calex last Friday and will say this: Calex is, in my opinion, one of the best general freight carriers out here. With a few exceptions, I have greatly enjoyed the last 13 months that I have driven here and give yet another huge thank you to John for starting this thread as I would never have given consideration to driving here without inside info. The people are some of the greatest I've had the pleasure of working with, as I pretty much got along with everyone I encountered. That is, unless they were nice to my face yet talking s*** behind my back (which shows nothing more than lack of character and intestinal fortitude). Those of you I personally got to meet, y'all are awesome people and I enjoyed yakking about whatever be it good, bad, or ugly and, getting to hang out together at times. Y'all will be missed, though I'm sure that I will occasionally see some of you be it here or there.

    The freight was, for the most part, consistent and when I needed to run due to a freight claim levied against me (it was my fault it happened, more later), Louie and Jason ran the pi$$ outta me for a good, solid, almost two months straight of nothing but coast turns back and forth. Another huge thank you goes out to them.

    Loved being able to stop in to safety and chew the cud with Mort (when he was there), Brian, and Chris. They really helped ease the nerves a lot of times when things weren't going well and I was ready to rip someone's head off.

    Payroll: no complaints here either, as Gail only recently left. Any issues were always promptly resolved after being brought up.

    Hometime was another non-issue; namely, when I put in for it I got it and, if I ever needed an extra day for whatever reason Calex had no problems letting me have it. Living in Jacksonville was a huge advantage for me as for loading out and getting back to work, since I would always load either beer or paper rolls heading into the Carolinas.

    In summary, I had fun here and will say that Calex is a pretty dang decent company to drive for if van/reefer is your cup of tea and you live in the hiring areas. But, if you know other segments of the industry and have the option of returning to them, Calex leaves a lot to be desired. More coming....
  11. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    Well Carlo, I heard a rumor you were leaving, now it's confirmed. I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand the reason why. I wish nothing but the best for you and hope someday to be able to meet you in Jacksonville for a cup. Be safe my friend, God Bless and stop in to say hello sometime. You will be missed.
    Cyanide Thanks this.
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