Calex Express....My New Home!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by JohnBoy, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Heres another thought about the events and why they let John quit.

    John has been a quality driver for a long time. I mean no offense to what I am about to say because I am guilty of it too. His is not a job hopper unlike some, and has paid his dues. John tells you the truth no matter what. So with that being said. Calex probably knew John was not happy. From what I have read, John never had any disciplineary problems except the time he bobtailed home without permission from Orlando. He actions got him suspended. So you have a good driver whos not happy with some problems and Calex knows this. Calex also knows they can bring in a driver cheaper to do the same kind of work and give them the raise to where he was. Cheaper labor in a somewhat crappy economy. Why pay someone a raise when they can get some one cheaper. Their actions were based on money and a few other things.
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  3. Bumper

    Bumper Road Train Member

    Feb 8, 2008
    Kingsport, Tennessee
    I agree, after my stint at Crete, I was convinced that they could care less about anyone who did not work in the Lincoln Headquarters. Truck drivers are as replaceable as a pencil, and matter to them less than that. I have experienced this at other companies I have worked for too. They all talk a good game but will fumble you away in a heartbeat.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Some companies respect their drivers and work hard to keep them , and there are some drivers you cannot get "RID" of fast enough.
  5. Bumper

    Bumper Road Train Member

    Feb 8, 2008
    Kingsport, Tennessee
    Maybe some of the smaller ones flatbed. but from what I've seen of the large ones they don't care.
    I just got into a smaller one myself and I'm hoping it's going to be different.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  6. dmp1983

    dmp1983 Light Load Member

    May 24, 2009
    I left Calex almost 2 years ago. I will say when I started it was a fairly decent company. Here are the reasons I left.

    1) I started with a newer truck (286) and got pulled out of that into one of the oldest and constantly in the shop trucks (229) which smelled horribly and was told they wouldnt clean it.
    2) There were times when they wouldnt get me home when I would need to be.
    4)And finally the big reason: I was going on vacation and leaving NYC heading home. I was told I could take the truck home. I get halfway to the house and got a call to bring the truck to the yard "in case they needed it." I told them where I was and said I didnt have a ride home from there. They "set up" a rental car for me at the airport which was not true (they had no reservations for me and was told I had to pay for it.) I had to wait almost 5 hours for someone to pick me up. Thats when I knew it was time to go.

    Currently I drive for Ruan transport at one of their dedicated customers. I work Monday-Thursday with Fridays as an on needed basis. I'm home in my bed every night, got 2 raises in a year (mileage, stop and hourly), top of the line benefits, new equipment, and fully vested in their 401K.

    Other then the reasons I listed above, I can say Calex was one of the better OTR companies.
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  7. baddbudd_2000

    baddbudd_2000 Bobtail Member

    May 21, 2012
    Endicott NY
    What happened with that one guy who was goin owner op?
  8. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Just a little glimpse, for the friends I made while I was at Calex, into what I'm doing these days. I run a Pete 379 tri-axle dump in the PA, NJ, NY, and CT areas hauling coal, sand, and other aggregates. I'm still doing my GoPro videos from time to time, and shot this one and put it to some music.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2015
    Guitar Man and The Challenger Thank this.
  9. Guitar Man

    Guitar Man Medium Load Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    State Of Confusion
    Cool video! Great song my friend. :biggrin_25525: . (The beginning looks a lot like what I see day in and day out when I'm not in the water treatment plant. LOL)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2015
  10. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Best of luck to you John!
    JohnBoy Thanks this.
  11. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA

    Hey...hows it going? Long time no talk. I loaded at Blaschak's this past Thursday morning and thought of you.
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