No they can not search your truck without a warrant,your permission or probable cause land line did an artical on this issue a little while ago i suggest everyone read it, it is most likely in your best interest to let them if you are not hideing anything, i've refused a search and told the cop to get a warrant he said what are you trying to hide i said nothing i just don't need you or anyone else tearing the crap out of my truck for no reason he left it at that and away i went.
Can DOT Highway patrols search your truck
Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Landstar2206, Jun 5, 2010.
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shoot! the last time i called a cop a pig was back in 1970, when i had long hair, a peace sign around my neck, wearing hippy clothes & calf length mocasin boots. I was 20 yr. old & living in calif.
bigbyrc and Working Class Patriot Thank this. -
Once they have access to the truck, anything in plain sight is fair game. If they happen to catch a glimpse of something you aren't supposed to have while they are in the truck checking your sleeper berth for the required equipment, they can bust ya for it...and no warrant was needed.
Now if you are in a day cab, or if you have logged no sleeper berth time, then their justification for entering the cab is on thin legal standing absent reasonable suspicion.bigbyrc and otherhalftw Thank this. -
You can tell them from the backseat of there car, you can't search. Maybe then they care. The fact that they can inspect every nut, bolt screw and washer to ensure compliance might make it tough to keep them out of the cab or the sleeper.
Speaking of reading, read the Patriot Act under presidential proclamations at the white house site. It was renewed bu Obama. They can go where they want, when they want , and there is precious little you can do about it. We are becoming like or Commies to the north all the time. -
All news all the time.....
I only had my truck searched once in five years. It was Maine DOT who did this he was not happy with the fuzz buster, I threw in the trashcan! He was more upset I hide it then the fact I had it I think. He thought he saw my truck go over the scales early in the day he was looking for receipts since my log showed I just started my day a few hours ago. He did an inspection put a pretty sticker saying I passed gave me a fine for the fuzz-buster and sent me on my way!!
P.S. I did roll across the scale earlier that day he was doing his job well!! To recall it 7hr later!!
Never had D.O.T pick on me always deserved what I got from them. I was always polite and as honest with them as my paperwork said I was -
I drove for a year, and always run legal. The only ticket I got, was for a missing mud flap on the trailer. I was always respectful to them, but 4 out of 5 were rude fat headed pigs. I have never been treated so rudely by law enforcement, not even when I was young and looking for trouble.
Sorry if I hurt your PC little feelings by insulting them. Is there a double standard on this forum? I have read worse insults aimed at truck drivers. If I loose someone's respect for my opinion, then it wasn't worth having.maconhadalata Thanks this. -
It's your job to know as much if not more, than a LEO about regs.....
I have politely and respectfully discussed when something was in error on the part of DOT several times before....
But calling them a "Pig" here or anywhere else, doesn't help the rest of us who choose to be courteous and professional to both the public and the DOT.....
You can run your mouth or your fingers...your choice...but don't whine when you get pulled in for a level 1 at the coops....slo-poke Thanks this. -
Checking for sleeper restraints, and bedclothes don't require a search. You can see those things standing on the step of the truck and even if they want to get in to check them that's all they can check. They can't go looking through your personal belongings or cabinets etc..... which is a search. Them checking to see if you have proper equipment is not a search. now if they are checking those things and see something illegal then bet your arse your in trouble. Here is what i do and suggest, if you have personal belongings then keep them in the closet/cabinet, a bag, a briefcase, or whatever and you got nothing to worry about anyway. Those of you that want to believe that you have no rights go ahead, those of us that no better well you get it.
BTW in 10 years i have yet to have any cop want to check for sleeper restraints or bedclothes etc..... or to enter the cab for any reason. If they want to it better be a #### good reason or they ain't getting in anyway.
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