Can sheriff look beyond 34hr reset?

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Schmeats, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Schmeats

    Schmeats Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    I had a load Friday. Drove empty on PC on Sat. Next Wed I was pulled into a WS and put OOS for HOS violation even though I completed a reset by Sun night. He stated I went over my hours last week cuz of Sat even though my logs showed pc and that I was falsifying logs. Got cited for logs, put oos for 10hrs and was accused of drug smuggling. They even brought a dog out that false alerted. This was in Ohio.
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  3. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Do you know how hard those cops work at teaching thier new dogs to false alert? You shouldn’t be mad at him just offer the cop a dog biscuit as a treat for all his hard work! Reputipal trainers do not teach thier dogs to false hit, it’s all the end user that does that.
    Vampire, LameMule and W923 Thank this.
  4. Schmeats

    Schmeats Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2023
    Well considering the dog couldn't hit the same spot again and the officer barely being able to contain the mutt, I don't think reputable is the correct word.
    W923 and Iamoverit Thank this.
  5. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    They can inspect the prior 7 days on your log.
    You don’t give any details about the PC so I can’t comment. The officer probably disagreed with it I’m guessing.

    Never been inspected in Ohio but that’s one of the few states that I really pay attention to my speed..Like GA, OH covers their state well with law enforcement.
  6. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    The cop isn’t the trainer! A good trainer can controll the dog!
    The only thing those cops do is try and teach the dog to make false hits after they get them. Many times they actually hurt the dogs overal performance by doing so.

    By the way if the cop couldn’t reproduce the hit he deserves no treat, give it to the dog and say thank you for helping my court case. If the dog can’t hit on the same spot again it’s a false hit and any trainer would back that up in court.
    Vampire, Feedman, Bud A. and 2 others Thank this.
  7. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    Let me guess. You used pc from the last drop off back home or to the yard?

    If so, that is specifically disallowed under the pc guidance. The officer was correct for that one.

    If it was something else, what was it?
  8. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Can sheriff look beyond 34hr reset?

    Yep, they can go back 7 days.
  9. LOTSO

    LOTSO Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2023
    Never heard of an OOS Order AFTER there has been a 10 hr. break or more after the violation, they find...:dontknow:
    NightWind, scottied67 and bzinger Thank this.
  10. pavrom

    pavrom Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    NE illinois
    Am i the only one thinking there is more to the story we are missing?!:)
  11. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    You’re not alone :)

    Wild argument took place and the officer just figured the driver was on drugs.. More arguing and got put in the corner on a time out.

    It’s apparent that the OP didn’t/doesn’t understand HOS..

    Unfortunately the OOS screws over the company.
    bzinger Thanks this.
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