Can these 4 drugs disqualify you from CDL?

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Rahat, Mar 25, 2023.

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  1. Tb0n3

    Tb0n3 Road Train Member

    Oct 5, 2012
    It's funny seeing you guys gate keep truck driving like it's some job only for the paragons of society. Most truck drivers are asocial angry douchebags who shouldn't be on the road. Somebody taking meds that TREAT depression which could be anywhere from suicidal (unlikely) to general malaise and as long as they're taking the meds they're fine. Anxiety is also not likely something that will endanger anyone on the road.
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  3. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    No, I don't think we are. And that's the scary part. It makes you wonder how many drivers are out there right now doing the same thing and getting away with it. For now.
    God prefers Diesels, Rahat and Kyle G. Thank this.
  4. Tumbleweed TowMan

    Tumbleweed TowMan Medium Load Member

    Jun 22, 2022
    I will add a question and a comment, then bow out, as it seems driver is not looking for advice, but justification.

    Question, for any knowledgeable reader ..........

    If driver does not disclose his medical issues and prescriptions, to hide them instead, then a chaos accident occurs (whether driver fault or not) , possibly fatal ----> would not lawyers & insurance then pull medical records and have an AH-HAH moment of those medical conditions?

    Comment .....

    Of what my tow company calls "stupid wreck", wherein the trucker is at fault due to his/her stupidity ..... VERY more often than not, there are pharmaceutical bottles scattered about, that we are then obligated to turn over to Highway Patrol.
  5. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Its not gate keeping, its warning the guy about one of the most regulated and litigated jobs in the country.
    God prefers Diesels, Rahat and Kyle G. Thank this.
  6. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    But the truck is not an ordinary vehicle, it is the driver's home. Pardon my ignorance, but this doesn't make sense.
  7. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    Wow, I honestly did not know that. I thought the truck driver can have a couple of beer from the truck stop and then go to bed. I thought that only keeping alcohol in the truck is illegal
  8. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    It is a CMV, not an RV. You have the keys, so you are in control of the vehicle. Plenty have been arrested sleeping it off in the car outside of a bar.
    Rahat Thanks this.
  9. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Yes, you MIGHT get away with having one, but the BAC limits for CDL driver in CMV are so restrictive its still playing with fire.
    Rahat Thanks this.
  10. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    So you tell me that a guy on a road trip stops by a rest area, takes a prescribed hydrocodone for his horrible shoulder injury, and a sleeping pill, and then goes to sleep in the car. The cops will arrest that guy?
  11. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    In a personal vehicle, with a valid prescription, in a legal rest area hes probably going to be fine. But that guy has no business driving a truck.
    Rahat Thanks this.
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