Can these 4 drugs disqualify you from CDL?

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Rahat, Mar 25, 2023.

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  1. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    Well I can’t speak for everyone else, but the point I was originally trying to make is, if a guy is in such pain and has such high anxiety that he needs to medicate to this extent, then driving a big heavy truck is not a good career choice. Like I said, he will be miserable out there with the irregular schedule and all the other shenanigans that come with the job. If the drugs help him feel better, great, but I can’t believe that he will be able to properly function, let alone get hired by anyone, if he is dependent on all these meds. Of course I’m no pharmacist, I’m just guessing.
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  3. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    Yes but why can't a truck driver have a couple of beer and sleep in his truck parked in a legal Trucking stop? If someone says move your truck, tell them sorry, I'm intoxicated. Wait when I'm sober. Just like that guy with shoulder injury at the rest area can decline to drive
  4. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Refuse to move and admit they are drunk 100% the cops are getting called and you are walking the line and blowing.
    Kyle G. Thanks this.
  5. Tumbleweed TowMan

    Tumbleweed TowMan Medium Load Member

    Jun 22, 2022
    omg, call the Federal Department Of Transportation with that.

    Hell, I'm starting to lean towards troll thread as well.
    God prefers Diesels, Rahat and Kyle G. Thank this.
  6. Speedy356

    Speedy356 Light Load Member

    Oct 13, 2021
    Where’s the SMH emoji
    Kyle G. Thanks this.
  7. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    You are missing the whole point, CDL driver in a truck you might as well have a bullseye pained on your forehead, dont do anything that could even appear to maybe be almost wrong.
    Kyle G. Thanks this.
  8. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    I am not a troll. I want to educate myself. Been in this country for only 11 years. #### I took Seroquel few weeks back when I had a flat tire and was parked a long the highway. Called 9/11 late night. Cops came and couldn't help but let me sleep in the car till morning when roadside assistance came
  9. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I’m not a lawyer, but what you are describing here is not technically illegal (I think), but it’s a hell of a gray area for sure, and as someone else mentioned earlier, it is playing with fire. Also, you will be hard pressed to find a reputable trucking company that allows any drinking while out on the road, whether parked at a truckstop or not. Remember, even when parked, you are responsible for that company truck, so the company rules will apply.

    Here is a story that is sort of famous here on TTR... years ago, we had a regular member here who was in a hotel because his company truck was in a shop for repairs. While at the hotel, he got hammered at the hotel bar and posted all about it on this forum. His company was made aware of it, and he was fired. He did nothing illegal, he wasn’t working, wasn’t even in the truck, but he was still “on the job” and responsible for the truck. At least according to his company policy anyway.

    So yeah, I believe the same logic should apply with prescription drugs.
    bryan21384 and Rahat Thank this.
  10. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    I had just gotten off Imogene Pass in CO and my tire blew up. Spent the night in my Jeep along the highway, with Seroquel :eek:
  11. NH Guy

    NH Guy Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    Legally prescribed medication can still lead to DUI, any substance that can impare your ability to drive can lead to trouble.
    Kyle G. and Rahat Thank this.
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