Can we get a tire subforum, maybe alignment also?

Discussion in 'Truck Forum Information Center' started by KDHCryo, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. KDHCryo

    KDHCryo Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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  3. d o g

    d o g Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    I really feel like those topics are covered adequately in existing forums. There comes a point when having too many forums is counterproductive, in that members already get tired of scrolling to get where they want to go. Essentially, we try to really be sure it's necessary before we add another forum to what is already a long list.

    We'll watch this thread for more input and discuss it, though, so don't feel like your suggestion is being ignored. Just keep in mind that creating forums doesn't necessarily create more discussion. It just helps us to better organize the discussions that members are already having.
    KDHCryo, 88 Alpha and Sons Hero Thank this.
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