Thats not true..... so is Ontario. Just go to Northern Ontario an find many english speaking people. Trust me I lived in Opasatika for awhile. I ran highway 11 a lot. English is a 2nd language in all the schools up there!
CB Channels used in Canada
Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by ParkRanger, Apr 11, 2009.
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I have pretty much been everywhere on this continent!
Heres some more advice concerning cb channels.
In california, oregon, and washington if ur going north or south on interstate 5 or hwy 99 or 97 we all run channel 17. If ur east or west in those states its 19.
We run 17 from mexico to canada, except for over the grapevine, then its 15.
P.s. Whatever u do make sure 2 do the downhill speed on the grapevine. They work it hard.
Stay safe. They call me mississippi. Ltr -
In Québec, we use channels 19 and 1 like previously said for english speaking. And for french speaking, it's channel 10, although around Montréal and along the southern border (with on-ny-vt-me) we also use channel 12 which is the french channel french cdn truckers use outside Québec...And don't be afraid of asking for infos/directions on channel 10 or 12, most of us DO speak english(ok, maybe some better than others, and some don't want to speak it but...
Do you have to have authorization to have a VHF radio programmed with LADD1 and LADD 2?
PS: Since you're running Quebec, I'll throw this into this thread just in case: if you're running Quebec and get stopped by a scale attendant with an attitude who refuses to speak English to you, here's some advice: Canada has two official languages, English and French. Any individual is entitled under the human rights code in Canada to receive correspondence from the Canadian government and any of its branches in the official language of their preference, either English of French. Since the scale attendant is a government representative of the ministry of transportation, they must abide by your request to receive communication in the language of your preference, presumably English. State that you are entitled to receive communication from the government in the language of your preference, state that your preferred language is English, and if they refuse to comply by either speaking English or getting a translator, take their officer number, time, date, location of the scale house, and ask to speak to their supervisor about filing a human rights violation (and don't bluff here, mean it). This is a serious offense for a government official and your complaint will be successful
Driver, do NOT bet the farm on this. Quebec is the only province in Canada that is legally exempt from this provision. They are legally unilingual French. Try mouthing off to a scale operator or QPP officer and you will visit a French-only jail and court system "toute suite" and you have to find your own bi-lingual lawyer who is licenced to operate in Quebec. Plus your truck/trailer/load will be impounded. -
canuck in da truck Thanks this.
There's ######## on both sides
. I've seen enough of Canada to appreciate every bit of the country. Each province has something to offer. Québec's separatists are as stupid as English Canadians outside of Québec who think that everybody in Québec wants to separate from Canada. Guess it'll be a while before we get along
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