Celadon Driver Payout 21

Discussion in 'Celadon' started by Vvhotelvv, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Vvhotelvv

    Vvhotelvv Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2021
    Hey guys. I was with Celadon during the bankruptcy shutdown a few years ago. No fuel cards, no answers from anyone. But life goes on. Earlier this year I started receiving letter from an attorney in Mobile Al concerning a lawsuit against Celadon and them paying restitution to the drivers that were in the mix. Has anyone else received these letters or have any information on it?
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  3. Lpirtle

    Lpirtle Light Load Member

    Oct 11, 2019
    Owensboro, ky
    I'm kind of curious about this myself. I heard that the ex-employees filed a lawsuit against Celadon for failing to comply with the warn Act but I never heard about how the lawsuit ended
  4. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    Did Celadon have any money left after paying off their secured debtors after Bankruptcy? I mean you would be a secured debtor as far as lost wages but might be trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip at this point or worse, some bs lawyer looking to make $$$ off of small retainers?
    Lpirtle Thanks this.
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