Have never worked for anyone..haha....looked at FFE for a short while...but now, correct me if I'm wrong....since I see a whole lot more of you Central guys here in Minnesota than I do see FFE....I would assume that's a good sign to drive for Central vs FFE?
Obviously amongst probably a ton of other reasons....not looking for any company bashing...just looking for Central drivers 2 cents.
Thanks, it is greatly appreciated!!
Central Refrigerated Truck Stop II
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by celticwolf, Jan 18, 2012.
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That advice is spot on. It doesn't matter who you drive for, some problems will be the same:
Problems with shippers, recievers, and lumpers are the same no matter who's name is on the door of your truck.
Problems with parking are the same no matter who's name is on the side of your trailer.
Incompetent dispatchers (sorry, I mean DM's, I'm showing my age here) will be around wherever you work.
HOWEVER, once you are in this industry for a while, you might find a company that is a better "fit" for you and you can dial in a better job:
--Maybe you find a company with a drop yard six blocks from your house
--Or a company that has a route running you through the house twice a week
--Or a company with a terminal two blocks from your favorite uncle, nephew, aunt or niece, so you get a free visit there during your downtime.
-- Or a company that mostly runs the Southwest and you LOVE the Southwest.
What I'm saying is, start with a company and keep your eyes and ears out for that job that is a really good "fit" for you. You will probably find it on accident, but be ready when it comes.Perryreddog and BORNtoROAM Thank this. -
So glad I find y'all was disappointing when the other one was closed but can understand. Was thinking of starting another one but Celtic beat me to it Thanks. As far as the thread being in the Favorite Trucking section I see no problems with that. Yes we discuss what we like and what we hate about Central but it doesn't mean we hate Central all together. I look at it like this I love the 49ers and they are my team but the way they lost yesterday I talk bad about it. However, next year I will be right there with them all the way through the superbowl
Now a question don't know if I will get in trouble for this. I had a delivery at 2300 at US Cold Storage in Minooka IL then was preset to pick up a load from them the next day at 0600. I got to the Pilot down the street from them at 1800 the day before. So went into sleeper berth and figured out if I could make it to US cold storage which is only a mile away without going into drive time then I could get a 34hr restart. So left early from the Pilot and went slow on the back roads and stopped at every light, set the brakes turned the truck off then back on. Made it to US Cold storage still in the sleeper berth. By the time they unloaded me and loaded me back up I had my 34 restart. Is this cheating the system or will Central (mainly safety) look down on this? Have been running the recap the last 2 weeks and was trying to get hours back to get home to CA for doc. appt.celticwolf Thanks this. -
Sounds like good time management to me. For what its worth, thats EXACTLY how I would have handled it.
A couple shutdowns to make one mile to complete a 34 restart is a no brainer.
Well I have two options to go for.. Either go to Central Refrigerated in GA for orientation or work for United Road Service hauling autos.. So what yah think..? Who is going to pay more with the most miles..?
I'm hoping they see it that way too. It does get me home for my doc apt as I just got preset three deep to Utah.
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Hello all and thank you so much for the great posts and information! I've been surfing through here looking at threads for about 20 different companies and Central Refrigerated seems to be the lesser of all evils when it comes to the starter companies out there.
I know the pay isn't all that great compared to some of the others but the equipment seems to be nicer and more reliable than most and you all sound like you're pretty happy with the DM's. On top of that, its become increasingly difficult to find a company that will hire at 21 with no experience. I am coming in with my CDL but no "verifiable" experience. (I've been driving for a towing company for four years that also does hot-shots, haz-mat cleanup and heavy-hauling. I was taught how to drive an 18 at 14 years old by my father and have occasionally drove short runs intra-state in the haul trucks with my current employer. Only recently (within the past month) have i started the process of getting my CDL so I can't, in good faith or legality, claim that experience.)
Anyway, back to what I was here for in the first place, I've decided to shoot for Central first. I called up there to recruiting and talked to Christian to answer some of the specific questions I had; by the way, he was a GREAT help. I put in my app on Saturday and talked to Christian again today. I also remembered that I had a ticket from 2.5 years ago for 91 in a 70, not a commercial vehicle but a really hot, hot, hot-shot (lets just say that my ticket was paid by a nameless oilfield company and our hazmat crew spent the better part of the day cleaning crude our of a creek). He said that since it hasn't been more than three years it could prevent me from getting the job if its on my MVR, which I can understand safety-wise.
If the background, MVR, and other assorted pre-hire stuff comes back good then I should be on the way to SLC on Feb 5th (3 days after my 21st birthday) for the class starting on the 6th. They're putting me through a two week "CDL refresher course" since I'm coming in with no experience, followed by the orientation and 4 weeks with a trainer OTR. I also found out today that instead of the sliding pay-scale for training its been raised to $450/week for the entire time you're with the trainer
I do have a few questions that maybe can be answered by Lady K, Celtic, or any of the other central fanatics around here haha. Once you get out of training can you choose the truck you want or do they just assign one to you? I have wanted a W9 since I learned how to pronounce Kenworth and would squeeze out a brick if I somehow got my hands on oneAlso, if the company trucks don't have APU's on them then how do you go about getting heat/ac in no idle states and zones? And finally, is there any good eating places around the main terminal or possibly some that deliver? I'm leaving my junk heap at home and flying up because I'm pretty sure it wont make it all the way up there.
I'm completely psyched about possibly getting to join the team and can't wait to meet you guys and gals and my future class-mates. Hopefully all goes well and I'll be up there soon. Thanks in advance for the answers to my questions and I'm open to any advice you all have to give!lost.in.cali. Thanks this. -
Sorry about the long post! I got my 3 year MVR back and its spotless so it looks like I'm in good shape. That's a load off my chest and another one on because now I'm even more pumped!!
the w9 is a thing of the past. along with oldsmobile and pontiac.
wonder if mine will be a collector if i hang on to it.
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