Central Refrigerated Truck Stop II

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by celticwolf, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. celticwolf

    celticwolf Road Train Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Kittrell, NC
    Central does not do hair tests, but they have an uncanny way of finding stuff out.. Do NOT lie to them in anyway..

    Stay clean longer then think about being a truck driver..
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  3. Hitman

    Hitman Mr. Gamer

    Sep 5, 2006
    Tioga, PA
    Musta changed his mind because it's still open.
  4. sesstexas

    sesstexas Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Longview, TX

    I'm sorry if I sounded a little ignorant in that last post but I'm really not. I turn 21 as of 2/2 and will be leaving for SLC around 2/4 for the CDL refresher course starting 2/6, according to my recruiter. Also, about the installations on the truck: I wasn't exactly laughing at getting permissions, just the way the lady recruiter worded what she said to me, "Major alterations." It just kinda hit my funny bone at the time because we were talking about CB antennas and an inverter. I do understand that on company trucks I still need to get permission from Central to do anything to them. If it were my truck, I'd be the same way I imagine.

    Anyway, didn't mean to get under your skin at all. I just assumed that a few of yall would see the humor in what she said as well as I did. As I said before, I welcome the advice and the constructive criticism. I know a bit but for sure, not everything. :biggrin_25520:

    I talked to Christian and he said that he would check on the inverter situation and get back to me when he heard something. As for the CB antennas he said that switching them with mine and then putting the stock ones back on should be no problem but I will still be sure and get permission for both things when the time comes. No sense in getting canned over something dumb, right? He also said my DAC and everything else came back squeaky clean and gave me their little "security phone interview" consisting of questions like "Any drug use?", "Any, jail time?", "Any restraining orders?", etc... All that went well and he then explained what day he would be getting ahold of me for the bus ticket, what day I would be leaving for SLC, and the whole process that will be taking place when I arrive at the main terminal. I'm so happy everything is going so smoothly.

    I've been practicing my parking and city driving like crazy and got my CDL driving test coming up here in a few days and once that is done, I'll be home free and heading to Central next week. (He said that if I waited to get my physical up there, they will front the cost.) Hope to meet everyone soon!! :biggrin_255:
  5. 1badz28

    1badz28 Road Train Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    savannah georgia
    he locked the thread you can no longer post on there. but you can read all the posts.
    Lady K Thanks this.
  6. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Well I guess the drug test question got answered... LOL! Pee only with randoms tossed in :biggrin_25525:

    Also HI trucker916 - we also come from Sacramento!!

    Not sure of any of the other questions... I read them but can't remember what they were... Sorry, end of shift type of thing :biggrin_2554:

    We are now back in OUR truck... SO good to be home :biggrin_25514:
  7. Big Rigg

    Big Rigg Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    Corona, CA
    All of what celticwolf said is right on. As far as the the inverters or CB antennas goes you can change them with permission. I have in my company truck a fridge, an inverter, and different antennas. Before I spent the money n them I sent in what I wanted to buy and how i wanted to install them. They said fine as long as I had the original ones to put back on once I left the truck. So it can be done if you get permission first. Central is big on communication and that's why I like them. If you communicate first act latter then you will have no problems.
  8. sesstexas

    sesstexas Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Longview, TX
    Cool. I got a mad set of Wilson 5000s and a Galaxy 99V that needs to stretch its legs. Although, I may be selling the radio in the next few days so I guess we'll see. I would still have my dad's old radio to go in the truck tho. My 1600W inverter is MIA so I guess I'll have to pick one up somewhere and I'll for sure need a fridge when I upgrade. I imagine I'll need approval for the fridge as well?

    If it isn't too much trouble, do you think a few of yall could get me the dimensions of the TV cubby? I'm sure everyone on here is probably in a different make/model/year of truck but its just to get an idea. I need to know if mine will fit or if I need to trade out with one of my friends. Or, i guess I could get creative like Lady K and strap a 42" flat-screen to the bottom of the bunk haha!

    Does Central use eLogs or are they still on paper? Christian didn't seem to know much about it. And about how often do they go into Canada? He asked me today if there was anything that would prevent me from going over the border. I know you can get a passport but someone was telling me there is some kind of documentation that you can get instead that will let you cross in a big truck for commercial purposes.
    Lady K Thanks this.
  9. sesstexas

    sesstexas Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Longview, TX
    Glad you and your man are back in your home away from home Lady K!! I hope that's not a recurring thing, being placed in a different truck if/when yours breaks down.

    One thing I have noticed reading through this thread and the other was that there almost always seems to be a breakdown after a student upgrades to their own truck. I wonder if that's just coincidence or operator error :biggrin_25522:
  10. celticwolf

    celticwolf Road Train Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Kittrell, NC
    Not sure about the freightliners but the internationals do not have a 'tv cubby'

    All CRS trucks are on eLogs.

    You will pay for the physical. Plus if you haven't gone to an approved school you will be taking the CDL training offered by Central. As far as Central is concerned you have zero CMV experience..

    As for Canada: we don't go there.. Lower 48 only..

    Whoever this Christian is needs to be retaught.. If I were you I'd be calling Central and asking for a different recruiter..
  11. sesstexas

    sesstexas Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Longview, TX
    Well from what I can remember and the trucks I've been in recently (nothing newer than 07), most everything has some sort of cubby hole, ledge, shelf, etc with a 12v outlet, tie down strap, and sometimes a coax connector; all specially designed for a TV.. I can't for the life of me think why they would take these things out of the design on the newer trucks. TV seems like one of the more important creature comforts on down-time but I guess I'll just wait and see when I get there. Can't bring a TV with me just starting out anyway!

    I like the fact that they are on eLogs. I think I got my H.O.S. regulations down but having them done on the qualcomm would definitely make things easier. Plus, I think I read somewhere that the system reminds you when you're getting close to your time limits and lets you see your remaining time, among other things. I've never needed to use a paper log-book before but I still would like to get the feel of it and have a hard copy of my records just in case. I don't think the D.O.T. would frown upon that; unless of course I missed a law somewhere. Anyone know if its illegal to keep paper logs as well as the eLogs?

    I asked where Central goes when I had first called and talked to a recruiter and he said, "we go everywhere." I asked about Canada and Mexico and he said that they don't go to either. So, I don't really know why he asked me if I had anything that would prevent me from going unless Central has future plans of going into Canada. Which, I wouldn't really mind either way. Its kind of nice up there in some places and would make for some longer runs.

    About the schooling.. That was another thing I asked him about when I first called. I told him my exact situation: I would be coming in with my CDL, but no physical, no schooling, and no experience; and asked him what I was going to have to do to once I got there. The first thing he said was, "Just come in for the orientation and you'll immediately be sent out with a trainer for 4-5 weeks and when that is done you'll be issued your own truck." After I had made my final decision on where I wanted to start out at and called back to let him know, I asked for confirmation on this. He told me the same thing and I expressed that I would feel more comfortable if he double checked. Well.. turns out he was wrong. He talked with his supervisor and was told that "a person in my situation would not have to go through the entire CDL class but only the "two week CDL refresher course." Since then, I've spoken with him a few times about the subject and have continually made sure that the story hasn't changed and so far, its solid. Just for the sake of clarity, I will ask him one more time about what you said, Celtic. If that is the case then it probably wouldn't change my mind about Central anyway. Just a little set-back and bum me out a tad bit. Also, I've asked him a few times about the physical. He seemed like he knew what he was talking about when he said that THEY paid for it. But maybe its one of those they pay for it, you pay them back over the course of a year things? As with the schooling, I'll ask him again and post whatever I find out. Until then, maybe someone else that has been through it could share their input on the matter. I don't know how long you have been with Central, Celtic. I suppose it is possible that their policy might have changed recently.

    I know some of your probably think that I'm just like all the other students that come in there, think they know everything, and don't know a pin-lock from a chock-block (that was off of the top of my head by the way lol). But, I've been in the game my entire life. My father owned a 10 truck/15 trailer company, I own my own company, I lived in a truck with him until I was 13 and in high school and then every summer until he passed. I've also been working in the towing/heavy hauling industry for 4 years, running hot-shots, dispatching, and helping everywhere I could. I learned to drive an 18 at 14 years old and by 15 years old I was driving while my dad slept. Granted, it wasn't very often that he would sleep and let me drive, but it goes to show... NOW, I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING. People assume that because of my age and I sound like I know what I'm talking about, I think I know all there is to know.. but no, I don't, and I know that. There is still a lot left for me to learn and yes, I am learning and listening intently! Driving is just what I love to do, live to do, and am going to do. It, and my father, have been my motivation for nearly everything in my life. So, I'm going to start small, learn everything that I can, work my way up, learn from my dad's mistakes, and leave this world and my kids with something that will be remembered.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
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