You have to be employed at the company for 3 months before you can lease. Wayne is doing good with his new teammate. They are on their way back to Ohio again. They were in OK last i heard. He was gonna goto sleep last time he called. He is still fighting with Central over his detention pay and them charging him twice for his locks. He won't be home until the 26th. He will have been gone for 4 weeks. They are getting good miles. Wayne had his troubles with Central, but has stuck to it.
Central Refrigerated Truck Stop
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by jjranch, Apr 5, 2008.
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Hello fellow drivers this is my first time posting. Im thinking about working with central and was wondering if the l/o can pik and choose the runs they want and also how the company is too work for. Any response will be appreciated thanks again Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lee, If you live in certain areas you might be eligible for Kraft or Coors Dedicated, which is pretty much set trips.
The company has changed in the last six months, things are more rigid.
Central is now paperless logs which are a pain, Company trucks are governed at 62mph. L/O 65MPH, Fuel surcharge is paid on loaded miles only.
Drivers seem to be getting less miles.
JJ is sitting in Wisconsin until he picks up a load Friday 168 miles away going to PA 790 odd miles with three days to run it and no early delivery as its a walmart DC load and they don't accept early loads. -
I understand these work through your qualcomm but do they monitor you? is there a way you can run a paper log if your a l/p?
I ran reefer and dry to the dc's and they would let dry loads drop early.
Dry loads do not run out of fuel. -
I got the call yesterday and get to go torientation on monday, i hope this company is alot better than my previous. But i guess anything will be better than 411 dollars in two months.
Good luck, Rueburger, and keep us informed on how you are doing.
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