CFI Trucks - APUs? Idle policy? Anything else to know? What are some good questions to ask recruiter

Discussion in 'CFI' started by Techno_Trucker, May 30, 2021.

  1. Techno_Trucker

    Techno_Trucker Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2021
    Wondering if anyone has in-depth info on their trucks, or can shed some light on any questions/answers a new driver wouldn't necessarily think of or know to ask. Thanks.
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  3. Corn-Fed

    Corn-Fed Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2016
    Big Clifty, Ky
    20210226_083842.jpg 20210528_171331.jpg
    CFI doesn't have apu's nor do they allow the trucks to idle unrestricted. However the trucks will idle above 70 and below 35 according to policy. However person experience says the trucks will idle at 65 and up and below 34 or so. If the temperature is at that range when you set the brakes it will idle even if the temperature leaves that range. You can force the truck to idle by releasing the truck brakes. Trailer brakes can remain set. I basically never shut the truck off and I have never heard a word about idle time. We do have bunk heaters that run off of diesel fuel when the truck is shut off if needed.

    All trucks are specd the same. 10 speed autos (We are getting 12 speeds with the new trucks) governed at 65. All trucks have sirus xm radio at no cost to us. They all come with a 1500 watt inverter. Trucks are basic nothing fancy specd in them no fridges apus satellite TV or smart wheels (steering wheel with buttons for cruise and radio).

    Trucks can be washed once per month at blue beacon. Unless you have been through Joplin Mo or Laredo Tx we have truck washes at both terminals. I have never had a problem with maintenance if something is wrong tell them they will fix it.

    If you have any questions just ask I started with CFI beginning of last year and am still here with no intentions of leaving anytime soon. Pay is lower than a lot of starter companies but not lower than all of them. We have a 3cpm raise coming out starting in June however we will lose fuel mileage safety and performance bonuses which each equal one cpm so they're just replacing that with a guarantee mileage pay. 20210226_083842.jpg 20210528_171331.jpg
  4. Techno_Trucker

    Techno_Trucker Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2021
    Great info, thanks.
  5. Techno_Trucker

    Techno_Trucker Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2021
    Do the trucks have driver facing cams?
  6. Corn-Fed

    Corn-Fed Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2016
    Big Clifty, Ky
    They do have driver facing cams however they're turned off and supposedly have to be turned on in person before they'll record.
  7. CMBreen

    CMBreen Heavy Load Member

    Dec 22, 2012
    Midwest City,OK
    Personally I'd go with a other company, pay is low and miles are very inconsistent. Hubs worked there for 7yrs before he finally got tired of their BS. A few friends of our still work there and one is a team that makes less then what my husband makes at his new company. Another friend just came over and she nows makes more then a guy who's a trainer and been at CFI for 5yrs, she's only been driving less then a year. CFI was a decent company before the swapped back and forth with the buy outs. Lost alot of customers
  8. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Oh they definitely have the ability to look in live at anytime. That medical vehicle I was driving was trying to put them in and the big wig at the company showed me on his laptop the dot of who was empty or loaded live. He could also pull up the live feed of video or a recording of the last 72 hours inside and out.
  9. CargoWahgo

    CargoWahgo Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    Louisville, Kentucky
    For ####s and giggles ask them....hey if I drive from one side of San Antonio to the other much will I be paid?

    Give them two separate zip codes.

    If they come back with anything above 1 mile they are lieing to you.
  10. CMBreen

    CMBreen Heavy Load Member

    Dec 22, 2012
    Midwest City,OK
    Couldn't pay me enough to go back to CFI, I'm making .18cpm more then what I was making at CFI, I'm getting close if not over 3000 awk,its not force dispatch and I don't have to deal with all the BS. I make more as a solo driver then a team splits at CFI. Doing the same job as I did at CFI nothing special.
  11. geargrabber89

    geargrabber89 Bobtail Member

    Jul 24, 2021
    Eastern NC
    so far seems like a ok starter company. none of them are going to be perfect, pick your poison , get experience and move on
    Dave_in_AZ Thanks this.
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