Have you guys seen average rates from these guys getting any better or viceversa?
How does the number of posted loads this year compare to last year??
CH Rates? Getting Any Better?
Discussion in 'CH Robinson' started by lazow1md, Mar 16, 2009.
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No, they keep going down, and as long as their loads keep getting hauled, they will keep going down
rates down up to 50%, load boards have fewer loads,brokers try to take loads back from you, nothing in CHR contract prevents them from doing so.
Does it seem like there is any improvement in posted loads? Any improvement in rates being offered? Hope you all can help a newbie out.
I've never had a problem with them the few times I've hauled for them,but then I don't broker my own loads either. Someday I'd like to go O/O but when the frieght starts to PU again Happy Easter to you and yours
Anyone seeing any crazy low rates being offered by CH?
Anbody taking any loads from CH these days?
if you take aload from ch your in the process of your own demise.they need to be eliminated.
How about some hard evidence in regard to CHRobinson. Aint got any proof.......then you're just blowing smoke.
All I read is you bunch of malcontents crying about "Cheap and Heavy" and their low ball rates......again.......NO PROOF.
Now, to be real clear here.......I don't work for CH or any other freight broker and I don't care one way or another if you choose to use CH or not. I don't care if they want you to run a load for free. I've heard about lower rates across the board with everybody, not just CH or any other specific broker.
However.....without actual documentation...all this about "Crazy low rates" is pure BS.
Matter of fact.....if you happen to say YES to a low ball rate and want to blame the broker(ANY BROKER) for said rate......you're part of the problem and not a part of the solution. These places understand what PROFIT is all about........maybe you should take a page out of their book and understand what profit is too and how to keep YOUR business that way.
Brokers can offer a load of freight for any price they see fit.......If you can't take the load and make money doing it......just say NO, make a counter offer or try another broker.
But don't cry about the low rates....if you take the load.....after the fact.
If you are doing this......"You're just walking across the barnyard kicking piles to raise a stink"southeastdriver and Double L Thank this.
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