He said months ago he was barely making enough money to survive and credit cards have soo much balance on them that his credit score is very bad.
In knowing that you must know if anything happens, including a breakdown it will finish you off.
You're better off being a company driver if your operation leads you to that point.
All this is without even mentioning being leased onto a mega carrier in a bad freight market.
What are the odds of that alone being very profitable?
Is mega carrier gonna give you the good loads or give them to their company drivers? We all know the answer to this.
Cheap freight hauler asks for donations when can't pay repair bill
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Kenworth6969, Dec 6, 2024.
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Sons Hero, RockinChair and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
you have a good point there
Sons Hero and Kenworth6969 Thank this. -
But again i didnt have info and my point remains. Until i have info i dont make snap judgments and stay in the middle until i know more. Course im also a skin flint tight wad so i dont hand out money often. Last time i did was to my favorite fox rescue shelter. Otherwise its food or stuff like bork boxes.Sirscrapntruckalot Thanks this. -
In many cases it can do more harm than good.High Stepper, D.Tibbitt, LTL Bull and 3 others Thank this. -
Saw the video yesterday and showed my wife. Ironically, we were discussing how fast money can go when Broker misleads you on an load or your truck has unexpected issues like this guy. However, as Adults we shoild have levels of retainers especially when operating a business. In Most cases larger carriers or any company foresees issue ahead with lesser prodit margins a lot have that emergency fund, have linea of operating credit and watch their margins. Margins is everything in any business. Unfortunately, this O/o did not learn that yet. I don't believe on kicking someone by laughing at them when their down & at their worst. In todays market it can happen to the best who lose their focus. The GoFundMe account helped him for now so hopefully he will learn his lesson. It takes guts for a grown man to go on camera like that and beg.
I'm happy to give somebody a hand up. But I won't make it more comfortable for someone to stay down.LTL Bull, Ruthless and Midwest Trucker Thank this. -
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