Chrome Shop Mafia

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Skunk_Truck_2590, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. Skunk_Truck_2590

    Skunk_Truck_2590 Road Train Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    Stonewall, LA.
    Anyone here every had any work done by the Chrome Shop Mafia in Joplin?:sign2:
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  3. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    I've seen them on their TV show, wouldn't let them get within a trailers length of any truck I am responsible for. Anyone who thinks that a driver needs a working waterfall in their sleeper is not going to ever touch my truck. Anyway, chrome doesn't make any money, so I'm not big on chrome.
  4. Skunk_Truck_2590

    Skunk_Truck_2590 Road Train Member

    Feb 16, 2007
    Stonewall, LA.
    True. Very true. However, even if it's a company truck I might hit it with a few cool stickers or something and maybe a piece of chrome here or there if the company allow's it but for the most part regaurdless it'll be kept clean. If I'm gonna live in it then it has to be clean. I've been in a couple of trucks and they were trashed out. I mean potato chips on the floor dust every where soda pop splater's on the dash and interior. One Wiley Sanders truck I even found pot seeds in the door holder. I can't believe how some of these guy's take care of what they are living in. I mean it's your home away from home and living in such filth? I guess I see where trucker's got the "trashy truck driver" rep. from.

    Of course I took this way off topic without paying attention. But yea, I mean I've seen a lot of chromed out truck's which looked really nice but it's to much. If it were me just color it solid black maybe some tribal or something on the sides from the hood or maybe just solid black with some small chrome highlight's like the door trim, and windsheild wiper's and a nice set of polished wheels and I'm good. I don't know what they call them but those chrome thing's that are hinged and fairly long that are mounted under the sleeper mostly that swing and have custom stuff cut out on them. Some are stable and have chicken lights mounted on them.

    I doubt I would have anything done by them but just curious as to if anyone here has.:occasion5:
  5. truckerjaw

    truckerjaw Light Load Member

    Feb 6, 2007
    I say if you want to trick out a company truck all you have to do is give the driver a shower and wash the truck at least once a week.:thumbup:
  6. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    I need a fountain in my truck!! And a big ol bumping system too! oh, and don't forget the fish tank!

    jeeze, almost forgot the spinners too!:happy6:
  7. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    You forgot to include a set of fake exhaust pipes with red lights mounted inside so it looks like flames. And put about 3 flat screen tv's in the bunk area.
  8. Joethemechanic

    Joethemechanic Medium Load Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Phila Pa
    I would never let them touch anything I owned either. The worst thing is, people watch that show and think that all drivers are into chrome and chicken lights.
  9. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    I remember watching a couple of episodes of this one day. (They were airing them back-to-back.) It was pretty neat seeing what could be done. Most were really extreme, and if I were a professional driver, I think I'd steer clear of them. My taste in vehicles runs more functional and straightforward and these were definitely showy. (The word "gaudy" comes to mind.)

    There was one, however, that I have to admit I really thought was neat. I think they called it "American Classic". It was a Peterbilt (?) re-worked like an older model... say, 50/60 years ago. Kinda cool -- had the double-shifter (or whatever they are called), the split hood... the works. I liked it. :biggrin:
  10. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    yes, and the truck you liked so much got one other neat addition. They removed his 63 inch sleeper and put on a small coffin box so the truck could look more like an old time classic truck. Now that's a modification that would really make me a happy camper when I crawl into the bunk.
  11. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Oops. :oops:
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