Class B jobs. Mixer truck or trash truck

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Juanthehumanoid, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Okie dokey

    Okie dokey Bobtail Member

    Jul 24, 2018
    The only thing I think I'll miss is taking the trucks where they were not designed to go lol. I remember backing down this extremely steep hill with only 8 yards and dribbling I hooked up the chutes started pouring as soon as my belly wheels hit the crest of that hill the truck slid down that dirt hill all I say was sky. The contractor told me he could of walked under my front wheels. Needless to say that was had to be a record for unloading speed lol.
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  3. Fold_Moiler

    Fold_Moiler Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2017
    Lol, you aren’t a mixer driver if you haven’t wheelied.

    I like mixer. Pay is consistent for me all summer and in the winter I get laid off and collect unemployment and work a cash job.

    Hours can be long but whatever, can’t win them all.

    We are so busy we always can pour even in the rain. It just might be a shorter day which is fine with me...
  4. ACO476

    ACO476 Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2016
    Cement business is also heavily dependant on good weather. Some of our cement mixers don't pour even when it's windy. Rain? Forget about it...
  5. Fold_Moiler

    Fold_Moiler Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2017
    Depends on the work load here. Flat work goes but there is also plenty of interior and underground stuff to do.

    Anybody run a mixer out in Vegas?
  6. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    Too bad you dont live in southeast Arkansas. I know a super nice garbage outfit that is looking for drivers. They talked to me, but since I own a truck didn't look workable, plus don't think i'd enjoy it.
    One thing to think about, if you ever want to go on your own probably something like a dump truck would be the way to go. I just always wanted to be an O/O from the time I got my CDL. Not much chance of that garbage or mixer truck.
    I had a bro in law that drove mixer truck. It was stupid crazy hours, they poured at night alot and was long hours. Idk if thats normal, thats just how it was for him.
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