One thing about Climate is they're very forgiving to past mistakes when hiring and very easy lanes. Not gonna be setting any records for pay there, but is consistent and a good avenue for newer drivers or people cleaning up their record -- at least, they were for me
Climate Express
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by bryan21384, Sep 18, 2019.
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DreadfulDay, Peace_Maker and bryan21384 Thank this.
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Peace_Maker and Bumper Thank this.
Peace_Maker and Knucklehead Thank this.
What do y’all do after delivering loose potatoes at Reser in Topeka?
bryan21384 and Peace_Maker Thank this. -
@motocross25 where's that washout spit located near Topeka? I can't remember off the top of my head.Bumper, motocross25 and Peace_Maker Thank this. -
I found out where I need to go. Appreciate it guys!!
Peace_Maker Thanks this. -
Topeka Truck & RV Wash
131 S E 61st Street
Topeka KS 6619
sorry @bryan21384 i don’t have enough service for a screen shot. It’s right off of Topeka BLVD and they have a dedicated spot right next to their building for tater washouts.
edit: well nvm it’s saying the screenshot went thruAttached Files:
bryan21384 and Peace_Maker Thank this. -
bryan21384 and motocross25 Thank this.
bryan21384 Thanks this.
KC Refrigeration Solutions is where they sent me one day also after a loose potato load. They got it untatered in 20 minutes or so. On the west side of KCK off 435.
motocross25, bryan21384 and Knucklehead Thank this.
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