Coastal Transport Houston

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by Fourpaw, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Their equipment is junk especially in houston...they're one of the worst ones in houston as far as fuel transport Co's.
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  3. Malleus2

    Malleus2 Light Load Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    I worked out of the corpus yard for like... 3 weeks...

    Automatic volvos

    I wanted to try hauling fuel but quickly learn that line of qork wasnt for me... heartless traffic w/crammed up gas station.
    To top it off I was only getting 1500 every 2 weeks.... yea ill stick with crude
  4. glenn71

    glenn71 Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2013
    I think 1000 gross a week is realistic. There will be a break-in period where you have to learn the stations and the routine, but once you get the patter down you should be fine.

    Coastal doesn't seem to pay as much as the others, at least in CC. I have heard that the trucks are not well maintained, but don't know for sure. They sure do look nice. There's a purple and silver one in CC that I just love.

    I would like to try one of those Volvo automatics. I gotta feeling that automatic transmissions were made for tank hauling. Every veteran tank driver I have talked to (3) that has switched to an auto loves them. Just fire her up, set the cruise control, and go!

    Coastal buys from the same racks that I buy from, so I'll try and get some information from the drivers I see there.
  5. Malleus2

    Malleus2 Light Load Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    I was really excited when I first jumped on with them. Most of the drivers were with the company for 10 +yrs
  6. ethos

    ethos Road Train Member

    Mar 3, 2013
    Been the exact opposite for me. The surge messes with the shifts, especially at lower speeds. I think what is happening is that the liquid moves to the rear and the suspension relaxes a bit and the transmission gets confused. This doesn't happen when I'm empty. It's so predictable that I just manually shift it 2 through 6. Once I was leaving the Pilot in Billings MT, and got his with one of those mystery surges that hits you for seemingly no reason. Anyway it caused the transmission to go from 3rd to 7th gear! Then of course the truck bogged and neither it nor me could figure out what to do for a few seconds.

    So given the choice, I'm taking a stick over an auto. With that being said, it's not that big of a deal.
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