Company installing driver cams. Now what?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    That's the best argument you can come up with? If you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. That's ridiculous.
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  3. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    Hahahaha!! In what way is it ridiculous? Following the rules of the road is ridiculous now?! What kind of sack of crap is going around looking for ways around safety devices that are there to keep everybody safe, do you understand how stupid you sound? Canada is in trouble indeed if there's more people like you living here.
  4. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    Yes, correct. It was an older article. However, on a lawyer website it says 'it is worth mentioning that you are required to get written consent from the driver and have a policy in place identifying the intent.' Are dash cams legal in Canada?.

    Being completely honest, I just dropped my middle visor over the camera because the sunlight blocked my view. Yeah it's that simple, don't accept or sign anything you don't feel right about.
  5. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    A safety device. HAHA! That's what they said about speed limiters and elogs. How's that working out for you?
  6. Peplow

    Peplow Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2010
    From your link

    "Biometric data such as facial geometry data, fingerprints, digital voiceprints, and iris scans must be stored and protected with prior consent."

    My take from the link you supplied is that consent only applies to biometric data and not to cameras in general ?

  7. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    You obviously can't see the bigger picture as is the norm with Canadians lately.
    You have these laws and devices in place because it takes for example, 2.5 hours avg to go 60km across Toronto. The smallest issue causes INSANE delays and there's NO argument for it. The highways can handle the traffic we have if everybody is doing the speed limit and using common sense and consideration for the other cars around. You have to be following ALL the rules of the road for it to can't have 20% of people trying to drive properly while everybody else is texting, jacking off, speeding and following too closely. Then you add EXTREME lack of driving skill and complete ignorance and the small and entitled minds of people these days and you get the GTA.
    If you're scared of someone recording you while you drive, do you not see how guilty of being unsafe it makes you look? It begs the question, what exactly ARE you so worried about? We all make mistakes but alot can be avoided if you simply follow the rules of the road. Im not an advocate of government and beurocracy in 99% of life but there is NO EXCUSE for driving unsafely. The road laws aren't there as some form of fascism, they're there to keep you safe.
    Why do 100,000+ people in India die annually on thier highways and only 1000s die in North America?......Common sense mainly, and then road laws. If it takes driver facing cameras to expose these utterly s*** truckers and get them off the road and out of the industry, it means I get to eat better and my family is safer. I'm all for it.
  8. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    Well for me 'Pete', the dash cam that was facing me, had the sunlight reflecting off of it so I simply put my visor down. The safety compliance lady at the company I was leased onto couldn't argue that reason nor uphold the policy for the driver facing dash cam because the sunlight bothered my driving view. Initially, their disclaimer in their contract never mentioned 'driver face' dash cam which I never agreed to. Regardless, I left on my own accord and reasons.
  9. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    If trucking companies were really concerned about safety, they would pay by the hour instead of the ridiculous pay by the mile. Companies, shippers, receivers and the government don't care. All that matters are costs. I get paid by the hour so if it takes me two hours to drive across Toronto, it's just more money in my pocket.

    You can make all the laws you want and use all the technology you want but it still comes down to the idiot behind the wheel. Having a camera on someone doesn't prevent a crash. I've been driving almost 30 years. I don't need some paper pusher or ex driver to tell me how to do my job.
  10. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    It's not about prevention its about proof and evidence.....again, not seeing the big picture. The companies ect only care about making money. The insurance companies jack prices up because they ONLY care about making money and not paying out. The less accidents the better it is for the insurance companies since they aren't paying out and companies are paying them weekly/monthly no matter what.
    The camera is there to catch you texting your buddy right before you smash into a minivan because it cut you off and you didn't have time to react. Then the insurance company says f-u to the company because the driver was doing something illegal. Distracted driving is an offense and there is fines availible for it. Now the driver is fired, the accident and subsequent charges on his CVOR basically ensure they wont be driving for most larger companies for a while and, the company isn't required to pay severance to you. But they are out the repair bill which at least for larger companies is just another drop in the bucket.
    So that (theoretically)takes the distracted driver off the road for a while and everyone can sleep better at night. a perfect world. Obviously this doesn't always happen and with our incredibly corrupt legal system these s***heads still end up behind the wheel and crash into other things ect but the idea behind the cameras has some merit and again, if you're being a safe and courteous driver, what are you so worried about? Your job title is "PROFESSIONAL DRIVER" try acting accordingly!
  11. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    If they cared about safety they'd stop hiring ####ing morons to drive. Seems like that's the majority on the roads these days.
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