Company installing driver cams. Now what?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    That's true but most jobs out there are crap so what other choice do they have.
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  3. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    True. And there's no/minimal consequences either so its not like they're deterred either.
  4. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    This industry, like a lot of other things in this country, has gone to #### and it's not getting better anytime soon.
  5. Antinomian

    Antinomian Road Train Member

    Feb 17, 2013
    All this talk about covering up the camera is bad advise. The company could fire you and report that as the reason. You'd have a hard time getting hired elsewhere after that.

    The market isn't good right now so don't quit unless you are absolutely sure you have another job. I quit my last company driver job ten years ago because they were installing cameras. I was sitting on a pile of cash at the time and could afford to buy a truck though.
  6. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    What is the driver facing camera teaching us that the outward facing camera isn't? Surely the view of the road is the better arbiter of the operators performance? I don't have an issue with an outward facing device although I run my own in tandem for what I think are obvious reasons, but I don't agree with you on the inward facing type. For myself, I wouldn't be able to work with one, or for a company that used them. If I can be trusted to take a load of whatever product that has a decent value, in inclement weather, from one side of the country to another, adding a camera to the mix is a bit insulting to my fragile ego tbh. I'd walk.
  7. skallagrime

    skallagrime Road Train Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    This simply isnt true, if the safety record is so poor, the onus of responsibility to rectify that is on the owners, but stripping all privacy for everyone is NOT an acceptable way to find and fix the problem.

    That was a lazy cheap "fix" and solved nothing in training or hiring *qualified* (ie safe) drivers
  8. 03machwon

    03machwon Light Load Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    Some of us that don't want inward cameras just want to smoke/vape our weed in peace lol, myself included.
  9. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    Probably true for some. The problems with trucking espeically in Canada is the small demographic to pick from, over regulations, in an era of social media online younger people are finding easier working careers with less mental and physical stresss. As well some simply don't care to so especially now with the implementation of inward dash cameras etc. I search the ads on Indeed and its the same regurgitating, tedious ads especially for Az drivers & O/o with companies trying to con new drivers in. They never end espeically with recruiters leaving out the details aboit Dash facing cameras always trying to trick, swindle and con a new drivera and O/o on signing on. They're Never transparent up front about the pay rates with exacerbating deceptive schemes setup to rip off drivers and O/O's. Some say, don't block the camera however if there was nothing in the Contract Agreement stating they're filming you how is that justified especially with the privacy act. (Pipeda act) ? Even if they want to get rid of you its not like there is a thousands of experienced truckers waiting in line for that job position? Even with this recession amongst us the age of the average trucker rises daily. I persoanlly had 17 job responses and calls in the span of 10 days and control where and who I want to work with. Negotiations and recosiderationa occur quick especially when a company know they can lose on taking on a qualified truck driver with decades of experience oppse to having a truck sitting for months not generating a dime. Companies always need those truck seat filled.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
  10. Peplow

    Peplow Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2010
    (Pipeda act)??

    Unless I missed it,it only applies to personal information and has nothing to do with whether or not a company can film you.
  11. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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