Company installing driver cams. Now what?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Or just take a dump in front of the camera, some kind of problem will be solved
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  3. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    You wouldn't want to, however the lack of trust has been earned make no mistake. There's good drivers out there don't get me wrong, but for every 1 good driver there's 30 or 40 bad ones and that number increases by the day. It may not be that there's a reason for a company to not trust YOU specifically, but I can completely understand the general lack of trust...I dont take it personal and you shouldn't either....good drivers know who they are, we need to worry about the bad ones and educate them.
  4. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    Here's more food for thought, you have such a problem being recorded as you're driving that it's clearly causing some anger to the point that here we are on the internet discussing it ,but think about it, you're being recorded WAY more outside the truck than you ever will be inside of it....shouldn't THAT bother you more? Every time you go to Walmart, ATMS and banks, hospitals, cross the street at a crosswalk, you're being recorded. But there's nobody up at Parliament protesting that, that I'm aware of. Hard pressed to even find an internet forum even talking about it.
  5. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    Yeah I do understand you, and your point is well taken but for me personally it's just too much 1984 to cope with. It's coming to a world near you without question, but it's just in my wiring to value my imagined privacy for as long as possible.
    I'm from England, over there you'll almost never see a police patrol car on the road. There are so many cameras all linked to computers which have records of current insurance, road tax, ownership , reg plate, color, etc any discrepancyand here's your ticket. You'll almost never see anyone very the speed limit anymore, over the last few years the cameras work out the average speed between cameras and automatically send out your ticket to the registered owner with 5 days to give up the drivers name or else etc. It has its benefits at times; some old girl with alzheimers wanders off from her carer in a city centre and gets on a bus ( old people travel free and rarely get asked for their pass) then in their confusion gets off somewhere and walks about looking for their husband who died years ago all the while getting colder and colder and more spaced our. In 5 minutes a good operator can trace her journey and find her. In a short time AI will do it in seconds.
    I know it's coming, but I am too old a dog for new tricks, and I'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming into that brave new world, and it's the only good thing about being already a pensioner that if I had to stop it won't really bother me, I'd rather it was in my time rather than anyone else's but I wouldn't be able to handle big brother looking at me.
  6. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    Well hopefully canadians can be prodded back into reality pretty soon and take that turdeau goof out of parliament with a noose around his neck like he deserves and we can have our calm polite country back and get back to having manners, courtesy and trust in our citizens....until then, robots and f***in cameras will be our future
  7. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    Amen to that
  8. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    Thanks for all your replies. The one company I worked for had the samsara AI crap that flagged for setting the AC and just reaching for my sunglasses. I left after a week.

    I have my own dash cam and driver cam that I purchased on Amazon, i dont have a problem with it because only i have access to the footage. We are a small fleet of about 20 trucks, only 2 dispatchers and no safety "officers". We were told that it's incase of an accident and I know it's BS.

    But I'll drive for a week and if it's one of those AI cams I'll be out a few days after.
  9. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    The situation in England is pretty wild, I honestly couldn't live like that. Speaking of protesting the constant surveillance going on in Canada, I was out in force with the 17th Ave protests in Calgary. I was also working with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, to get government spending removed from such programs. Lemme tell you, that's a real tender spot for the powers that be, so if you want a couple Sheriffs showing up on your doorstep, 9am Saturday morning, its a sure bet. Or it might have been these couple of stationary traffic camera's that, just happened to explode. Darn China lithium backup batteries, they should come with a warning label ;)
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Just you don’t have a problem getting lumped in with the drek of society doesn’t the rest of us don’t have a right to be highly PO’d about that. Hassle the ones that earned it and leave the good drivers alone. I’ll bet that would do wonders for morale just about everywhere.

    As for your incessant analogies about somebody rear ending the schmuck that cut them off, first of all they would deserve it. Second, try that once in a truck with the collision mitigation crap.
  11. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    Good attitude to have genius! It doesn't matter if they deserve it or not, we all know they deserve it, the camera can also see when something is un-avoidable, it helps you in court. I can't believe that even needed to be said yikes...your ignorance is actually shocking.
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