Company installing driver cams. Now what?

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    You get "lumped in" until the bad drivers have been weeded out and then there's nothing but good drivers. It all looks good on paper but there's always more at work than we get to see. Again, I'm not FOR the cameras, I'm saying as a short term solution to drivers getting screwed in court left right and center as well as weeding out crap drivers and possibly even making the roads safer, even a little bit would be better than nothing, the cameras are a reasonable and cheap-ish option.
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  3. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Never more true words spoken.
  4. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    What else is a good idea, mandatory breathalyzers in every truck? Urine test prior to engine start up? Device that watches the speed limits and produces a report showing how dangerous a driver is for doing 60 in a 55? Some kind of device to monitor your sleep to ensure you get the prescribed amount of rem sleep? Talk to a psychologist every morning to ensure you are in a suitable frame of mind to drive?

    "Nothing to hide nothing to fear." Wasn't there something famously said about those who give up liberty for security, deserve neither? Innocent until proven guilty, why voluntarily subject yourself to even more surveillance that will never help you it can only hurt you? Some may argue we have slid so far that a truck drivers guilt is the assumption does not mean we need to swing all the way to the other side by mandating the inward facing camera. How about start with point the camera outward and see how that helps determining the preventability of accidents?
  5. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    An outside cam is more than adequate to cover the “court” side of things here. An inside cam is little more than a punishment tool, not to mention both being an affront to the dignity of those us who can actually do our jobs without crashing the truck, and being legally discoverable. Only an idiot would voluntarily give more potential ammunition to slip-and-fall parasites. Several companies including Swift actually turned off their inside cams for that very reason.

    And another thing, “genius”. When one chooses to needlessly endanger their own lives by playing stupid games they deserve little, if any sympathy when they win a stupid prize. Sometimes a Darwin award is completely warranted, especially when it leads to us all being better off.
  6. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    It's insidious. Europe is small with a dense population so easier to install these systems. Speed cameras have been growing in number for 30 years, now they're everywhere. Once it was a real film camera, got emptied every some days so guessing time, maybe the film was used up (they always flash) was a bit of a lottery wondering for a week or two whether you'd get a letter in the post! Now it's digital, if you speed between cameras, you're pretty likely to get one.
    We all love Google earth, I use it nearly every delivery to see dock location etc, but the tax office use it too to see how big the foot print is of that new large double garage and workshop with the nice metal roof that took over from the shagged out shed you kept your car in before you upgraded, or the kids pool you built, computers can compare pics year on year so now they can recalculate your tax for you and helpfully adjust you to the new rate. It's a bit different here in North America, more space less people, but technology is catching up. A quick change in one or two simple laws like layout of number plates, fines for obscuring them and allowing camera's to record for "road safety" or something is maybe how it might go.
    I'm sure more intelligent minds than mine believe they have a much better insight than I do and know better than I do how helpful and nice driver camera's are, but if you look at the lessons from Europe you may understand why I do think you're turkeys voting for christmas if you take my point.
    It's coming to us all, Trudeau and his ilk have already set that in stone, but I for one don't have to like it!
  7. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Bring forth the Boogaloo! That new "Civil War" movie looks good, gonna take the GF and see if she is down to be a Boog Barbie :p
  8. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    Nothing Turdeau has done is set in can all be undone by removing the government from power. What NEEDS to happen is a revolt by the REAL canadians who would rather die than allow this tyrannical government to have power any longer. The decisions made by this GLOBALIST government and not JUST the Liberals, are killing people. You all owe it to yourselves as canadians to watch Tucker Carlsons speech in Calgary if you haven't already please do so. This WEF agenda is being pushed everywhere and it's total bs....its got NOTHING to do with the environment as it's being disguised as. If the government cared about climate change they'd stop the 100s of coal plants that China has slated for opening in the next couple years...but no, carbon tax is the answer right? More tax will surely clean up the oceans and stop the insane consumption that IS depleting resources.
    Grab what's left of your guns and go back to parliament and start something before it's too late....let me know when it's happening because I'll be right there beside you
  9. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    I agree with you, I'm against the inside cameras too...I do my job the best I can and I wouldn't appreciate being recorded while im driving but I also know that I'm not doing anything that's going to get me in trouble always hands-free if I'm on the phone, and I never text while driving and I think that's the biggest issue with people in general...put your ####### phones down!!! You're not that important!

    Your argument that they get what they deserve is true but it's not just the person that "gets what's coming to them" that suffers....its still an accident and it's still part of the reason insurance is so high. You're not thinking in reality, you just want revenge on wrongdoers, grow up. There's a solution to the problems on the road and it starts with society then at the border and then at the drive test centers.
    I get your anger but simply smashing into people is just childish and anyone advocating for it should have thier license taken away.
  10. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    You get it, hope you can educate others.
  11. Bksrt8

    Bksrt8 Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Oshawa Ont
    I just want my country back and for people to be kind to eachother like when I was a kid. My favorite teacher was my grade 8 teacher Brad Coppin...probably one of the most influential people in my life. And I'll always remember what he told us, "bulls*** baffles brains". What he meant by that is you can come up with litterally whatever nonsense you want and if you look and sound professional about it, people will follow your every word.
    Turdeau is NOT one of those people, hes just a very good parrot and he's been trained at that "youth leaders" program that was put on by the WEF in the 80s and 90s iirc....those sick disgusting scumbags brainwashed him with thier personal globalist ideals....."youll own nothing and be happy", thats thier motto! Singh was there as well and I'm sure ALOT of others were there that have now had a hand in the country's decline. This is documented fact btw. TRUE canadians are NOT running this country, it's being run by a sick f*** and a narrative that wants you sick, weak and unable to defend yourself so that you rely on the government. It's all in collusion with pharmaceutical companies and the WHO. These globalists HATE you. They are giving people the free and easy way out with thier MAID program which for those that don't know, is assisted suicide. They'd rather kill you, than get you the help you deserve. And not just deserve but you PAY FOR IT!!!!! You pay taxes, we have "free" healthcare! Still, you're another mouth to feed and a potential threat to thier narrative.
    Got a back ache? Here's some pills. Those stopped working? Here's some pills with fentanyl. Got your life turned upside down and lost your job, home and family because of those pills? Just hit the reset button, here's a little booth and a needle and then it'll all be better.
    And you know what, it's working.
    Why is it working? People have become too soft, too complacent and too comfortable. Now add in bill c18 and you can literally tell these cattle, as I call them, anything and what choice do they have but to believe it. We will stop the flow of outside news so people DONT see what the French and Belgians and Dutch ect are doing to combat the tyranny and canadians will think all is well in the world and thier government MUST be doing a good job.
    Meanwhile in REALITY people are dying at an alarming rate, prices of EVERYTHING are getting to a breaking point and even the #### immigrants are leaving.....everybody EXCEPT canadians can see what's going on here.
    I'll let you in on a little secret you can keep in the back of your mind for when you finally have had enough......THERES MORE OF US THAN THERE IS OF THEM....shhhh...get your PAL. Pack up an emergency kit, you can buy them on Amazon if you have to....I dont like being the guy to say this but VIOLENCE is coming whether you believe it or not, have a look at the US right now....where do you think is the next place they're going to go? Prepare yourselves and let's remove this government. Parliment doesn't work and diplomacy is dead. Polliviere is just another side of the same evil coin,l that Turdeau is on. Pierre has an agenda too and it's along the same narrative as Turdeau. We have fought back and won before, let's grow a backbone and show them once more, that we won't give in.
    If nothing else, I beg you to just please open your eyes and minds.
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