Company won't verify employment, what can I do?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by CruzControhl2, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The Feds don't require the old company to respond and Feds don't require the new company to get the info before hire. The insurance carrier will likely have some alternate procedure to satisfy if the old company doesn't respond. Providing W-2 for the time period is a common alternate method of verificaton.
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  3. CruzControhl2

    CruzControhl2 Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2023
    North America
    Honestly maybe they are bad. They have a lot of good qualities though, to the point where you take the bad with the good. No company is perfect and I was getting alot of the things I wanted out of trucking there.
    I've adopted a rolling with the punches attitude since high school. I've noticed similar things happening to other drivers and in my mind I made excuses for the wrong doer and situation saying to myself things like "I don't know the whole story".
  4. CruzControhl2

    CruzControhl2 Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2023
    North America
    I gave the new company the okay to check with all employers except for my current one and we've been using driver pulse as well.
  5. CruzControhl2

    CruzControhl2 Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2023
    North America
    So when that happens is the only way to verify with w2 etc? Or not possible?
  6. CruzControhl2

    CruzControhl2 Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2023
    North America
    Thanks after leaving that job they gave an employee a hard time with verification at least making them use paper mail for correspondence. Somehow they found a way around it.
  7. wichris

    wichris Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Past employer is required to respond. 391.23(c)(3)
    If they don't respond you can file a complaint 386.12
    tscottme Thanks this.
  8. Spardo

    Spardo Light Load Member

    The last company I worked for in the UK (15 years) accepted my voluntary redundancy at the end of August 1999. That meant a month's notice to the end of September. I had a week's holiday already booked for the last week in September and so my last day at work was at the end of the 3rd week. When I looked at my bank statement they hadn't paid me for that last week. I protested and they said that was the last time I worked. But I was, like all drivers there, salaried and so they should pay me for that last week, for 2 reasons, the end of my employment and a week's paid holiday.

    They eventually gave in after I threatend to sue. After 15 years loyal work, that's what it came down to with these b astards.

    Stick to your guns @CruzControhl2 , they don't like a fuss and bad publicity, they will back down.
    CruzControhl2 Thanks this.
  9. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    There’s nothing requiring them to respond, new employer only has to document their efforts. And there’s nothing requiring the new employer to report the old company for not responding, only a recommendation that they should report the non-response.

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