Sorry Seawheeler, one can say, "the truth reveled under darkness of hostility has light, therefore it is always visible like the sun". It seen that you are a reputation defender....keeping defending.
Complaint about Maverick Transportation LLC hiring Practices, opinions please
Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Gary7, Mar 10, 2010.
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Hang in there it's always darkest before the dawn. It can only get better I can't see it getting any worse. Believe you me ,with my years that I spent with maverick I to have had some bad stretches. -
Keep up the posts Ninja, and good luck to ya. -
IM thinking of leaving my co of 14 yrs to drive flats.Can u tell me if MAVERICK is a good choice i sent them a appl and lady called me and said with my driving history and work history i would be what they are looking for. I told her i didn't have a cdl. She told me to get one and call them back.I have experience of yard spotter for 1o yrs and drove under chuffers license before cdl. But my problem is comming up with the 4ooo gran for school. My wife also works and we don't qualify for aid we make to much money. If i could find a person to train me that would be great. Roadmaster want 6k for school but im not going into debit to do this i guesss i will start saving up for it.
Yes your right, another big truck company turning out drivers at there factory in Little Rock. I quit last week because of the B.S idle time not getting payed for. They lost glass account in N.C., trying to charge too much. And they just started picking up loads out of uniboard after they lost that contract because drivers where suppossed to deadhead back. Instead management got loads coming back, making drivers late. My point is Maverick could'nt care about driver making money(three hours to get detention pay of $8.00 where if truck sitting on shipper or consignee property for more then one hour, mav charges them. All these big companys are the same, just go there for your experience. Then get out like i did...........I got a job with con-way freight.
Let me put that in perspective...
They lost the glass account because they chose not to haul the glass for less than they could afford...and, I'm hearing rumors that they may soon be getting some of it back (remember, I live in the middle of the glass hauling industry...with family working for Moore and FAST...not as drivers either).
I don't know much about the Uniboard...but unless the load rates cover the deadheading back I don't blame Maverick. Schneider got in trouble for this too...with the jumbo glass loads...exact same deal, but I know the glass loads were paying for the deadhead miles too.
If Maverick don't make $$$, they can't give us those raises we've been getting...Its just like what an O/O has to do stay profitable...say no to cheap freight.
I get mad at Maverick sometimes too...but then I realize they're just trying to make $$$ too.
And what do you mean...BS idle time not being paid? Idling the truck? Or the detention time?
Mavericks detention policy ain't bad at all, its better than most just because we don't have to argue to get it...and Maverick pays the driver whether they (Maverick) get paid for it or not.
I think you have a lot to learn about this ain't perfect, never has been, never will be...but in some ways it is better now than it used to be...and getting paid for detention is one of the things that has greatly improved. -
I am starting school and going to go with flats. I am considering maverick, tmc , Roehl ,and BTC. What does maverick have over other companies. I am talking to drivers I meet and current drivers on here. Just asking your opinion. Thanks.
I don't really know...I've never worked for any of those companies.
I started with Schneider, Maverick bought Schneider Specialized, I left Maverick for 2 years and drove for a buddy of mine for a while (had to see if I could make it as an outlaw, LOL...I did, but it wasn't for me), been back at Maverick for about 3 years now...
I make money, I generally get home enough to do me, the equipment is good enough...thats about all I can say.ttownrunner Thanks this. -
That's all I needed to know.
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