Complaint about Maverick Transportation LLC hiring Practices, opinions please

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Gary7, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. 75th Rangers

    75th Rangers Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Tri-Cities, East Tennessee
    He is a nice guy I will ask him if it is OK to send you his email and you can ask him about them if you like. I also know a few others that drive for them. They are still with them.

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  3. 75th Rangers

    75th Rangers Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Tri-Cities, East Tennessee
    Notarps; messed that last post up "like you had to be told huh"; was just letting you know that would be great.

    Until next time, God Bless to all.
  4. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    No problem. Don and I call each other from time to time. It has been a few weeks since I have talked to him. If I remember I will give him a call later today. I am sure he won't mind me giving out his email. He had told me it is OK before, but I still like to ask. He goes by overheard on the CB. I gave him that handle... poor guy, starts out with my company recommendation and handle and still talks to me to this day...:biggrin_25523:
  5. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Something else along the lines of making a go at trucking and lasting. There was a poster. I won't mention his name. I joked with him a lot, but tried to warn him off of a contact school and going with USA. Nice guy, many know who I am talking about. I told him USA tends to prey more on newbies and the home time is not great. He had his "reasons for going that route" Got his foot in the door and became a trainer way to soon. He said others would think he did not have enough stick time, but he could do it. Long story short is he got canned. Went to another co and got burned out on how they did things. Ended up bailing and not taking truck back. Done trucking. Never see him on here any more.

    My exact point with picking a good co. Example maverick. 2 years with the company ( used to be, not sure now) and must meet the their standards to become a trainer. Some co's in 6 months as a newbie you can be a trainer??? You want high standards? Have high expectations. This is just one of the things in getting a good start. Take the easy seems like the best option at the time often becomes wish I had considered my options. Think of all the things you have learned growing up. About waiting for good things. Seeing past the little picture to see the big picture. All these details can be the difference in making it.
    Have had newbies tell me when maverick was not taking students that they wanted maverick, but did not want to wait. They would go to hole in the wall co and get exp and switch. If hole in the wall co gets you off to a bad start and your record gets tarnished do you think good co's will take you on when you have stick time? Trucking is one unforgiving industry. You invest in that high dollar CDL. You best take care of what you do when you get it or that $3000 CDL might land you a gig delivering pizzas and I don't mean to warehouses, but door to door.
    75th Rangers Thanks this.
  6. Mattaponi Guard

    Mattaponi Guard Medium Load Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    No tarps and others; been lurking and doing a tremendous amount of research on this company, and some others. Mav sounds good compared to others, but we all no that this is no rose garden! So I called Mav yesterday and was told that I'm in the hiring area; no I don't have my CDL yet will start school in April finish in May, the recruiter told me to send in an appilcation and that she will call me back? My question is that I was terminated from my last employer(not trucking) over 6 mos. ago, no not from performance but from not being a good fit? During the 1 year probation period the federal gov't. can let you go for any reason:biggrin_2554:. Will this screw my chances up? I have never been terminated in my life?
    My apologies for piggybacking on this thread.

  7. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    They will do a thorough back ground on you. Have you been unemployed since then? Sounds like it. That will be a red flag. It will not hurt to put in a AP. If you get to orientation you looked good on paper. How you conduct yourself in person will be the deciding fact.
  8. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007
    What post I've read ( I didn't read them all) Seem to have overlooked the obvious.

    AGE...and lack of recent OTR experience.

    Those two would make you not (insert company name) material at most companies.

    Hell, two years ago they wouldn't take you if you had no experience in the past 3 years....and you expect them to now in this economy.

    Why don't you guys give the one upmanship a rest...and tell the guy the truth. It has NOTHING to do with being a "Maverick" or "MavericK Material".

    He's NOT qualified at over 90% of companies....period.
    dollylama Thanks this.
  9. Mattaponi Guard

    Mattaponi Guard Medium Load Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    Yes, been uemployed since August drawing UEI from the Commonwealth and looking at this as an option not a last resort. I familiar with the so called bottom feeders and turnover rates, not to mention the crappy economy! So if age is a factor(53) then I guess I won't make the cover of GQ? Otherwise I bring alot to the table but if they or others want recent OTR then I guess all of us wannabes are pi**ing in the wind? I did send in an app. and we'll see what happens, but no I'm not holding my breath. He** when I recieve my CDL which I will, if nothing else I'll try my hand at driving a cement mixer or log truck, I know trucks Iused to be a Cummins mechanic back in the day just no OTR. This sitting around the house is not all it's cracked up to be, at least for me.

  10. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    In case you did not read my one post. He was in there talking up how he used to do it and things should be done this way, we should get paid for this and that. If he would have just gone in and there and listened to what they had to say and not voiced his own opinion, he would have been fine. You do not know what you are talking about, plain and simple.
    They are not trying to get rid of anyone. In a years time, ony 10% will be still driving after a year. It is hard demanding work and not everyone is cut out for it. That is a plain and simple fact.
    It is easy to always blame the company and never the individule.
    Hopefully he will learn from this and know what not to do the next time.
    You telling him he did nothing wrong only sets him up for failure the next time and the next. :biggrin_2554:
    Cooper09 and dollylama Thank this.
  11. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!

    I was just out of CDL school. I had never driven a semi before I went to school. They have said that a newbe is easier to train because he knows no other way than what they teach them. You will do just fine.
    There were no supermen in my class at Maverick. Just a bunch of guys who were eager to get started in the industry and wanted to be with Maverick.
    Attitude and a good work ethic is all you need other than being able to do it physically.
    Attitude is the bigest obstacle in any job or in life in general!
    Look at the glass as being half full all the time. Work your butt off while you are in securement training. Study the materials, Stay humble and respectful, and you will be there!:biggrin_25520:
    dollylama and 75th Rangers Thank this.
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