Complaint about Maverick Transportation LLC hiring Practices, opinions please

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Gary7, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Kansas

    Kansas Road Train Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    aircap, Ks.
    Really, I got hired on at TMC years ago. I passed my p quiz, passed my road test. Was assigned a trainer, and was good to go. I received a notice to come back to the terminal. I was fired!

    Why? Because I was 23 years old, too young to work for them. Their insurance company rejected me, and they had no choice but to let me go. I had no tickets, no accidents, no nothing expect a spotless driving record. I was under 25 so out the door I went!

    Nobody but me got fired over it, its just something that happened. Why is it hard to believe that a recruiter could have made a simple mistake?

    Any of you guys have ever spoken with an army recruiter? Those guys would NEVER try to enlist somebody that didnt belong. Oh no, never. Are you ####### kidding me?

    Maverick the elite, now that's funny. ANY company that has a student program has absolutely NOTHING elite about them. Tells me their pay scale sucks so bad, they scrape the bottom of the barrel just like all the other massive steering wheel holder mills. I don't think some of you guys would know ELITE if it bit you on the ###!
    bulldozerbert Thanks this.
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  3. Ridgerunner665

    Ridgerunner665 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Sure recruiters make mistakes, and yes I know a thing or 2 about Marine recruiters too.

    You being too young to insure is one thing, but you said "screwed with"...not "made a mistake"..

    Why can't any company with a student program strive to be the best at what they do? You mentioned Army recruiters (not that much different than driver recruiters)...even Eric Haney started out as just another recruit, and look where he ended up with proper training (he also had the right mindset, motivation, and self discipline). Do you say he was/is not elite?

    Drivers start out the same the bottom, and the ones that make the cut succeed at becoming the "elite" (if thats the word of the day)

    Your argument is flawed Kansas...and their pay scale is the best out there for flat bed. I made $26,000 in the 6 months I was back at Maverick last year...slow freight and all.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  4. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    There was no mistake made. He made comments that showed the instructors that he would probably not be willing to do things Maverick's way. That is the long and short of it. You can spew all of your garbage all you want, but Maverick made the right decision as far as I am concerned. The only mistake that was made was by the person talking too much!
  5. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I have an idea. Why don't you apply at maverick and see just how well you will fare with the CDL mill as you think they are. I ranked in the top 1/3rd of 1500 trucks and the top 10 of however many was on my FM's board. I feel confident enough to say out of that strict of a company guidelines I am above avg as a driver. Now how far do you reckon you will get in the hiring process?
  6. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    One thing that has amazed me since I starting coming to this board. There are so many people that come on here and spew their negative venom, and they have no clue what they are talking about. They must lead pretty shallow lives that they have to vent their frustrations in this way.:biggrin_2554:
  7. musicmaker

    musicmaker Medium Load Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    Fort Madison, IA
    I didnt know there was an elite company other than national carriers that profess to be which is a joke in itself. I will say this for all flatbed drivers, you will make more money pulling flatbeds getting paid a %, rather than by the mile and tarp pay regardless of who you work for.
  8. Ridgerunner665

    Ridgerunner665 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2009
    Sometimes...but not always. Being on % you are even more at the mercy of the company than you are when getting paid by the mile.

    Each driver has to find what "fits" him/her.
  9. musicmaker

    musicmaker Medium Load Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    Fort Madison, IA
    your right, if they pull cheap freight then you would be better off by the mile.
  10. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I just got off the phone with don. I will PM you his email. He has a trainee on the truck so they are hiring again. You do not have enough posts to reply to me, but should be able to read my pm. He can tell you firsthand about mcelroy.
    75th Rangers Thanks this.
  11. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    That is a good sign that they are hiring students again. They were not when I checked into them.
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