1996 kenworth has a 3460 engine cat in it. And air gauges wrap to 150 and keep building.
I’ve changed the governor
Changed both of the unloaders
Replaced air dryer cartridge
Also the air purge tank coming off air dryer cuz the tank was leaking! Not sure where else to go.
Compressor not cutting out
Discussion in 'Kenworth Forum' started by Perchie15, Dec 8, 2023.
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Have you checked the supply line to the governor? I would make certain that it's not blocked.
Assuming your purge valve isn't popping off at normal pressure?Stay Puft Thanks this. -
Have the gauges been checked for accuracy? Is the gov adjustable and was it dialed in? The proper plugs removed/ installed in the proper ports on replacement gov? Most systems should have a safety pop off valve on a tank somewhere that should release pressure around 150 psi. to keep a runaway compressor or bad gov from building dangerous levels.
I’ve seen many air gauges be liars in many trucks. Had one recently that would build air to 125 and purge like supposed to but gauge would not rise past 90. Funny thing was it was balls on accurate to that point with the low air buzzer and knobs pop out point.Magoo1968 Thanks this.
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