Considering flat bedding....

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by Commuter69, Oct 19, 2024.

  1. RunningAces

    RunningAces Road Train Member

    Jul 2, 2017
    Just use a tarp bungee, it'll be fine.
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  3. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    I recently heard a receiver tell me a guy showed up in northern Vermont in the snow in sandals and sweat pants with a light jacket. He told them he couldn’t untarp, so they untarped, unstrapped and folded his tarp for him while he sat in his truck. I asked why they didn’t refuse the load and he said they really needed it. Unbelievable.
    CAXPT, cke, Sirscrapntruckalot and 4 others Thank this.
  4. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Road Train Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    It would've been a cold day in hell b4 i folded that tarp for the #######.
    CAXPT, D.Tibbitt, cke and 2 others Thank this.
  5. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    That’s exactly what I said. I can understand untarping and unstrapping, but leave the tarp where it lay
    CAXPT, D.Tibbitt, cke and 1 other person Thank this.
  6. Razororange

    Razororange Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI
    I bet I could have untarpped and unsecured that load pretty fast with just a pocket knife.

    Take him out to the far end of the lot and just start cutting the bungees off. Same for the straps but make sure you do it on the hook side. Can't have your employees using a winch bar on his truck because of the possibility of injury if it slips. Especially with the slippery ground conditions. Throw all his #### in a pile directly under the trailer while you unload your product.
    CAXPT, D.Tibbitt, cke and 4 others Thank this.
  7. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    Lol ya definitely what you’d feel like doing.
    CAXPT, D.Tibbitt, cke and 1 other person Thank this.
  8. Someguywithquestions

    Someguywithquestions Light Load Member

    Jan 10, 2021
    I feel personally attacked with the flip flop slander. When I ran tankers I'd wear flip flops as much as possible. Wearing non breathing rubber boots for 14 hours sucks. I didn't care if I was walking 2 miles to the mcdonald's in Wyoming in the snow in 10 degree weather. The flip flops are coming out. #### rubber boots.
    D.Tibbitt and beastr123 Thank this.
  9. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    It's one thing to wear flippers when ur on your own time. But some of these guys show up to jobsites with them on
  10. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia

    You're a "flop" other drivers....& to your customers....if you don't "flip" a set of appropriate shoes/boots/clothing....B4 exiting your tractor.

    Given the above commentary -- feel more than free to "flip" me off. :p

    -- L
  11. Cdemars316

    Cdemars316 Medium Load Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    You do you, but there is multiple reasons why when you are driving flip flops are bad attire, most of them have to do with safety when crap hits the fan, the other one is appearance as a professional driver. I personally wear slip ons when I am driving, closed toe slip ons for comfort, I don't get out of the truck with them on to include fueling or anything else, simply because I don't want that crap in my truck, but also for safety reasons. If I step in fuel or unknown puddles when I am fueling, I leave them in my bunk storage, if I don't then they go next to my passenger seat.
    cke, broke down plumber, CAXPT and 2 others Thank this.
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